Educator of the Week: Sonya Eaton

It’s time to recognize this week’s Educator of the Week, brought to you by the Tennessee Education Lottery.

Educator Of The Week Sonya Eaton

Sonya Eaton is a special education teacher at West Carroll High School in Atwood. She has taught for eight years.

Although Eaton started her career in education a few years ago, she has always had a passion for teaching.

“The reason I went into education was I wanted to make a difference. I like to see those ‘aha’ moments that the students have when it finally clicks in their mind,” Eaton said.

Eaton says her heart has always been with special education.

“I’ve had several of my family members be special needs. And seeing how that they struggled through the years because they didn’t have support system is what really encouraged me to go into special education,” Eaton said.

Eaton’s favorite thing about teaching is not only encouraging her students to give their all but also seeing them succeed

“Actually changing their mindset, helping them change their mindset about why education is important,” Eaton said.

What makes her classroom and teaching skills unique is the one-on-one that she has with every student.

“I have the ability, that the Lord gave me, to be able to see that the child might be struggling and try to relate to them with their struggle in order to help them understand that there’s nothing wrong with them. They just have to learn differently,” Eaton said.

Eaton makes sure to let every student knows that they’re seen, heard and cared for.

“I like to show them that I care what they’re going through. Doesn’t mean that we have to accept our situations based on our circumstances, but we can actually overcome them. If they don’t know that I care, then apparently, I’m not doing my job correctly,” Eaton said.

Eaton is now eligible for the Tennessee Education Lottery Educator of the Month award.

To vote for her or any other nominees, go to the Tennessee Education Lottery website.

To nominate an educator for our weekly award, just email us at [email protected].

Categories: Educator of the Week