Educator of the Week: Melissa Miller

It’s time to meet our Educator of the Week, brought to you by the Tennessee Lottery.

Educator Of The Week Melissa Miller


Melissa Miller, a fourth-grade math teacher at Arlington Elementary in Jackson, is our featured educator.

This marks Miller’s 16th year in the teaching profession, and one aspect remains eternally meaningful.

“I love the ‘aha’ moments when I’m teaching a skill that a child might be grappling with. As I continue instructing, offering examples, and demonstrating for the students, suddenly it’s as if a light bulb switches on and they grasp it. That’s a proud moment for me,” Miller said.

Students actively participate in class, posing questions and eagerly raising their hands with answers.

Miller’s objectives for her students are resolute: consistently put forth their best effort, arrive prepared every day, and regardless of the day’s challenges, continue to absorb knowledge.

When Miller was told of her new found title as Educator of the Week, she felt a mix of surprise, excitement, and validation.

“Knowing that my teaching is impacting the students and that my instructional techniques are being acknowledged means a lot,” Miller said.

Miller emphasized the universal importance of students striving to do their best, regardless of the circumstances they may face.

Her recognition now positions her as a contender for the Tennessee Education Lottery Educator of the Month Award.

To cast your vote for Miller or any other nominees, please visit the Tennessee Education Lottery website.

To nominate an educator for our Educator of the Week Award, kindly send an email to us at [email protected].

Categories: Educator of the Week, Madison County, Video