Educator of the Week: RaShonda Wade

It’s time to recognize this week’s Educator of the Week, presented by the Tennessee Education Lottery.

RaShonda Wade is a first grade teacher at Stigall Primary School in Humboldt. Wade has been with Stigall Primary for six years, and has been a teacher for four years.

“I’ve been here six years. Officially teaching four. This is my fourth year,” Wade said. “I was a Pre-K assistant, which I helped in there too as well. So, if you want to count that, a total of five, but I’ve been there six years.”

Wade says her favorite part about teaching is her students and how she knows that they have her back and will always work hard.

“My babies,” said Wade. “That is absolutely my favorite, whether we are learning or having conversation, the hugs. When something’s wrong or I don’t feel good, they know. They adjust themselves accordingly to however, ‘Miss Wade’s not feeling good, you know we got to pull our part.’ They work hard to let me know that what I am doing they are with me, they got me.”

If you find yourself in Wade’s classroom, you are bound to hear some singing. This is how she likes to make learning fun for her students.

“Everything is a song,” Wade said. “We sing everything. The songs are so catchy to them. They remember it, they catch it. Everything is so catchy to them. Life’s a musical in this class. We sing all the time.”

Wade is now eligible for the Tennessee Education Lottery Educator of the Month award.

To vote for her or any other nominees, go to the Tennessee Education Lottery website.

To nominate an educator for our weekly award, just email us at [email protected].

Categories: Educator of the Week, Gibson County, Video