Community Champion: Jennifer Milam

It’s time to recognize a community champion. It’s an honor given to people making a positive impact in the community.

It’s in partnership with Leaders Credit Union.

“These children are innocent and they just need a fresh start,” said Jennifer Milam, a Community Champion honoree.

Isaiah 117 House is a home for foster children who are waiting for foster placement.

“It will provide them a three-bedroom home where they can take a bath, play, toys, get a meal, have volunteers there like me to love on them while they’re waiting for their foster placement,” Milam said.

Milam is the Program Coordinator for Gibson, Crockett, and Dyer counties.

“I will be over the home. We’ll be running the home, helping volunteers, training volunteers, helping the children, providing goods and reaching out to the community for community support for this non-profit,” Milam said.

Milam said it was her time in the classroom that opened her eyes to the various needs children are facing.

“This mission is really big on my heart. I’ve been a school teacher for 22 years. So I saw the need and the neglect of children in this school system and that led to me fostering. My husband and I have fostered for six years and once your eyes are open to the foster world, you just see the need,” Milam said.

Milam said they’ve been working for approval for more than a year.

DCS and Isaiah House decided to combine Gibson, Crockett, and Dyer counties due to the number of children in need. It will be the first in the West Tennessee area.

“We are currently waiting on house plans, approval, and we’re going to start the new build. We’re so excited. There are lots of ways people can help in West Tennessee. We’re reaching out to general contractors and tradesmen for them to help us. We are working on donations for the home. We also have a giving room that we’re working on where we’re collecting hygiene items, baby items, and new clothing items so we can love on these children when they come through our home,” Milam said.

Milam offered some advice for those who see a need in their own community.

“Use your talents, use your superpower, whatever you have there’s always a way to help. It doesn’t always have to be monetary. It can be giving your time, donating items. There’s lots of ways to help non-profits in our area, and there’s such a need, you know. And that’s in the word too, is to serve and be the hands and feet of Jesus in our community,” Milam said.

If you want to donate to the giving room, you can donate hygiene items, clothing, and baby items to the Cadence Banks in Trenton, Humboldt, Milan, and Alamo.

Categories: Community Champions, Video