Community Champion: Jamaal Brady

It’s time to recognize a Community Champion, an honor given to people making a positive impact in the community in partnership with Leaders Credit Union.

We introduce you to a man investing in the youth by helping to build healthy habits in their lives.

“Buy in is a theme we use, but it’s not just for better balance, it’s for your process, it’s for your life, and whatever that means to you,” said Jamaal Brady.

Brady is the founder of Better Balance Sports and Fitness, a sports-based youth development program in Jackson.

“I started Better Balance in 2017,” Brady said. “Just the need for athletes to have some one on one training and learning skill specifics.”

Brady says he saw a need in his community and decided to fill the gap. He says when he was younger, someone invested in him and this is a way to pay it forward.

“If the way somebody poured into me, if, if I did the same thing, you know, where somebody else could be. Right. And so that was a passion of mine just to give guys an avenue again, to express themselves, freely create, right? That’s what I love about sports, right? It’s creative. It’s inclusive,” he said.

He says it’s special to be able to help someone unlock all that they’re capable of.

“Unlocking your true potential is like, you know, if you don’t, what are you doing? You’re really sitting on the talents and that God’s giving. And so you don’t know how many other people are waiting on that.”

Brady is also the Southwest Region Area 11 Director for Special Olympics.

“I take on challenges, and I’ve grown to just adore and love it so much, because again, you still get to unleash that true potential.”

If you ask Brady, everyone is capable of achieving their fitness goals, and it’s important to invest in yourself.

“That’s what fitness is. It’s a buy in to self. Right. I found it as a, as a sanctuary at a time. It was implemented into me, but I was in like a dark space. And so that’s what I gleaned to. And it was just like a self improving thing. And again, I’d try to bottle those experiences up and give them to people when they come through these doors.”

Brady says for the Special Olympics, they are always looking for sponsors, donors, volunteers, coaches, or just anyone who can help out.

If you know someone doing good in their community, you can nominate them for the Community Champion award. Click here for more information.

Categories: Community Champions, Local News, Madison County, Video