Document breaks down proposed salary increases for City employees

JACKSON, Tenn. — We have received a detailed list of the proposed salary increases for City employees in Jackson.

Click to view FY25 Salary Budget Worksheet

The question is not whether city employees deserve raises — the question is whether or not these drastic raises for one year are what is best for the City.

The average raises that are proposed in the budget are anywhere from $1 to $5 per hour. This all equals out to around a 13% raise on average for the City employees.

In a recent poll, we asked our viewers what sort of raises they are expecting to receive, if any. 43% said they do not expect any raise at all. 47% expected to get a small raise. And 4% of people expected to get a raise that fits in with what we see in the proposed budget.

The Jackson City Council passed the first reading of the budget last week with two of the councilmembers not being present.

We spoke with Councilman J.P. Stovall to get his thoughts on how the meeting went.

“I was able to go back and watch the meeting and the vote went about how I thought that it would,” Stovall said.


One of Stovall’s main concerns regards the deficit that the proposed budget puts the City in. He spoke with us on why this is something that he wants to resolve.

“I don’t want the City to be put into a situation where we’re constantly, from year to year, going into a deficit, and it puts us into a situation where we struggle as a city to take care of the basic necessities that our people, our constituents, look to us to manage for them,” Stovall said.

There is an informal meeting that the public is welcome to attend Thursday, July 18 at 9 a.m. to discuss the budget. It will be held at Town and Country Realtors, located at 1944 Highway 45 Bypass.


On Friday, July 19, the council will meet again to vote on the budget a second time.

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Categories: Local News, Madison County, News, Seen On 7, Video