Local company brings wish to life for Jackson teen


Local company brings wish to life for Jackson teen

We’re so excited to share the story of a local wish kid, Daisy, who just experienced an incredible wish, thanks to local sponsor, H&M Company!

Daisy is 13-years-old and loves rollercoasters and theme park rides. She shared with us that she’d love to visit Walt Disney World and have the chance to spend time with her family. She just returned from her special trip and had an incredible time!

Last month, H&M Company celebrated her wish at her home in Jackson, TN. They welcomed her into the celebration with a Minnie Mouse Suitcase packed with goodies, a monogramed travel belt bag, snacks and accessories for her trip.

Daisy had an incredible trip and it’s all thanks to local partners like H&M Company who bring wishes to life for local children battling critical illnesses.

Currently there are 29 kids in the Jackson area who are waiting on their wishes. Make-A-Wish Mid-South relies on local companies, individuals and other sponsors to grant these wishes. We’re hopeful that Daisy’s story will inspire action from other generous individuals and companies, to bring the hope of a wish to more kids in the Jackson area.

Click here for more information on Make-A-Wish Mid-South.

For more news in the Jackson area, click here.

Categories: Gallery, Local News, Madison County, News