Tax free weekend: Find out what’s exempt and how to save big

JACKSON, Tenn. — Parents, the time is approaching for you to gather the kids and head out to save on back to school items.

Tennessee’s tax free weekend is coming up, so hold off on back to school shopping for the kiddos until then and you can save big!

You won’t have to pay sales tax on certain items that qualify, such as clothing, computers, and school supplies.

“Tax payers saving money, we love to save money. Who doesn’t, right? It is coming up the last weekend in July. That is Friday, July 26 through Sunday, July 2,” said Emily Cassulo, public information officer for the Tennessee Department of Revenue.

Here’s everything you need to know:

Clothing and school supplies are tax-free if they are priced at $100 or less.

Computers are tax-free if they are priced at $1,500 or less.

Cassulo says the holiday isn’t only for parents.

“What’s so great about this holiday is, everyone can participate. It benefits everyone not just families with kids in school, or kids in college. Families with babies, toddlers and diapers. Kids clothing is included. Diapers are included even adult diapers are included they count as clothing,” said Cassulo.

With this deal-saving weekend also comes many shoppers on the roads to be the first to save big. Cassulo says be patient and enjoy the time with your children.

It’s important to note that qualifying items may be purchased online as well.

“I know not everyone likes to shop in person. Some people like to do a mix of both but online items are included,” said Cassulo.

According to the Tax Foundation, Tennessee is the state with the second highest average combined state and local sales tax rates.

The general state tax rate is 7%, combined with local taxes rates, that figure rises to 9.5%.

Tennesseans save an average of $10 million dollars a year during the sales tax holiday weekend

For a full alphabetical directory of exempt items, click here.

For an alphabetical directory of taxable items not exempt, click here.

For more Tennessee news, click here.

Categories: Local News, News, Seen On 7, Tennessee News