Non-profit speaks on the impact of fostering youth

JACKSON, Tenn. — One popular U.S. athlete in the Olympics has been gaining attention as she continues to astonish audiences with her talent in gymnastics.

Simone Biles is an Olympics gold medalist who continues to wow audiences with her impeccable skills in gymnastics, but did you know Biles spent a period of her childhood in foster care?

She’s spoken out about it recently on platforms across the country.

According to Youth Villages, a national non-profit organization, more than 8,000 children are in foster care in the state of Tennessee, but there are only 4,000 foster homes in the state.

“We’re in the need of foster homes but specifically, any home that can take more than one child; a sibling group,” said Donna Goodman, foster care recruiter for Youth Villages.

Biles, who spent three years in a foster home, was fortunately placed with her siblings.

Goodman speaks on the importance of keeping siblings together.

“If that sibling group is able to come with them, that keeps stability to them during this time. Every step of the way it’s about connecting with that child and how we can stabilize that child,” said Goodman.

Foster families will undergo 6 weeks of foster care training and a matching process to see which child or sibling group fits best with them.

The organization also offers a stipend for families who foster.

“Not everyone’s going to go on and be an Olympic champion but we have lots of success stories right here in our area. That one caring adult really does make a difference,” said Goodman.

For more information on adopting a child in West Tennessee or how to become a part of a child’s life who is in foster care, click here.

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