Tennessee Housing Development Agency awards Greenfield $810,000 grant

GREENFIELD, Tenn. — For some residents of one West Tennessee community, they could have their ‘home sweet home’ repaired for free.

This is a part of a new initiative by the federal government and the state of Tennessee towards bettering communities across the state.

A check for $810,000 was presented by the Tennessee Housing Development Agency to the city of Greenfield.

“THDA is the states affordable finance agency for housing. So, we’re able to distribute grants and things throughout the state especially for low income individuals and households,” said Andrea Hudgins, West Tennessee community outreach Liaison for THDA.

Greenfield was one of six communities across the state chosen as a recipient of the grant. The federally funded money will go towards repairing seven houses in the community. Mayor Cindy McCadams says that this is something Greenfield needs.

“So many of our houses are dilapidated and so many people on fixed incomes. We have older people on fixed incomes that maybe their spouse has passed away and they don’t have the extra money to fix their house up,” said Mayor McCadams.

Hudgins says that the communities picked by the state are selected through a rubric system, with the city meeting certain criteria to receive the grant. Tuesday, THDA will be moving to Jackson as their next stop on the list of the six chosen communities, however Jackson will not be receiving repairs to houses but instead they will use the funds to build housing in low income areas that will be available for rent.

“So for the housing authority in Jackson, for them to spur on four more units, gets four more families in a new home and at least 16 people in a new place,” said Hudgins.

As for Greenfield, a public meeting will be held in the coming weeks including information for residents to apply and guidelines.

We’ll have more coverage of the distribution of grant funds as THDA comes to Jackson for a presentation Tuesday.

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