Community shows support after restaurant owner faces discrimination

SAVANNAH, Tenn. — One community has shown support to a restaurant owner after a negative encounter that happened over the weekend.

In a video posted to social media, an angry customer was heard yelling racist remarks like “You know what? You don’t belong in America, period.” to the owner of Golden Dragon in Savannah.

Another customer filmed this interaction as it happened and posted it on Facebook. This post has since received 1.1 thousand shares and 1.4 thousand likes.

Many comments under the post are standing in solidarity with Jenny Wong, the owner of Golden Dragon.

“I was upset–heartbroken, I drove up here as soon as I saw the video. I showed her all the comments, love and support that was coming to her and she was crying and I hugged her and just told her: ‘You know everybody around here loves you. You know this is where you belong,'” said Ashley Rowell, Golden Dragon employee.

When asked to be interviewed Wong kindly declined, however workers and regulars have shared nice remarks to continue their support.

“She has always been genuine and nice and sweet to everybody and she helps out anybody she can. Mrs. Jenny is an awesome person and a great boss,” said Shari Cowles, Golden Dragon employee.

Cowles said prior to working at the restaurant she remembers going with her family as a teenager.

“I’ve been coming to the Golden Dragon for approximately 30 or more years. And my little girl, when she was small, we would come here every Sunday afternoon after church and eat and that would just become our ritual–and she learned how to use chopsticks. But this is a nice family,” said Joe, regular of Golden Dragon.

Many others have shared that Wong treats everyone that comes through the door as family. Since this interaction the woman in the video has spoken with Wong.

“The lady did call and apologize to Mrs. Wong. And it has been accepted,” said Rowell.

Regulars and community members have since dropped off flowers and desserts to the restaurant.

Wong says she appreciates all of the support the community has shown.

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Categories: Hardin County, Local News, News, Video