Gibson County Football Team Preview

Gibson County Football Preview

We start things off in PioneersCountry. As Gibson county football team
Is making preparations for the upcoming season. Now last year was a bit rocky for the Pioneers. By
That I mean they  posted  a 1-9 record. Now I do want to clarify it wasn’t like there team didn’t have talent
Because in a lot of their games they  scored over 20 points and one matchup scoring as much as 46 points. It was just
An element of starting and finishing games. The quarters in between they would actually go toe to toe with teams up until
The last 3 games of the season. However, this years campaign is a clean slate and something to look forward to. We caught up with
Head coach Kyle pack earlier today and he spoke about him getting the Job a little late and how he has got to keep his guys focused.


“We’re feeling good about it. I got hired kinda late so we’re kinda behind the eight ball a little bit on some things new coach coming in. You’d like to have more time before your season starts but the guys are working really hard and we all have a positive mindset right now. Just keeping their minds
Right because their bodies are not going feel great so keeping their mind right is going be probably my biggest at the top of my list going through the season cause it’s a long season.”

Kickoff for them will begin on Friday August 23rd at 7:00 pm o

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