Madison County leaders meet to discuss potential changes at intersection

JACKSON, Tenn.—The Madison County Highway Committee held a meeting Wednesday afternoon to discuss the next steps for the Windy City Road and McClellan Road intersection.

“When we found out this accident had happened and the city was looking to make some improvements, I contacted the city spoke with Austin Clark. Expressed to him that I was, the county was, very willing to participate in any measures that the cost be needed right outside the city limits,” Bart Walls, highway superintendent for Madison County shares.

Walls offered his deepest condolences to family members of the victims of this wreck. He also provides insight into the potential plans for intersections such as this one.

“Flashing signs, rumble strips those are things that can be implemented very quickly, without a lot of cost. Obviously a four-way stop can be implemented, those are more expensive a traffic signal can be placed at any of those intersections and those are more expensive. The most expensive thing you can do is probably a roundabout. A roundabout is probably the safest thing that you can do. From a cost benefit standpoint, you always kind of hate to talk about cost benefit standpoint when someone’s lost their life,” Walls adds.

He shares flashing signs and rumble strips will be added to this intersection.

“There’s engineering studies that need to be done to look into those things look at the amount of traffic the width of the road, the current speed limits and things like that to make sure that there’s not other things we can do in the interim that would make improvements with no cost,” Walls adds.

He also shares that Ashport and Old Humboldt Road intersections have problems in the past.
However, Old Humboldt intersection will receive some attention after this accident.

“The only intersection of those three that’s in the county is Old Humboldt and Windy City. So, I know the city has already done some kind of study at McClellan and Windy City. I’m not sure about Ashport but as the county we’re gonna take a look at Old Humboldt and Windy City as well,” said Walls.

There was also talk of having more patrols at the intersections to ensure safety.

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