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Educator Of The Week

Educator of the Week - Reynolds

This video is no longer available. DYER, Tenn.- Dyer Elementary School first grade teacher Debbie Reynolds loves seeing her students learn new material. "I think that's my favorite part; when you actually see the light bulb," said Reynolds. "It's very…

Educator of the Week - Palmer

This video is no longer available. BELLS, Tenn.- Bells Elementary School kindergarten teacher Darlene Palmer loves making a difference in her students' lives. "I do want them to feel success everyday when they come to school," said Palmer. "When they…

Educator of the Week - Burkhead

This video is no longer available. DENMARK, Tenn.-Denmark Elementary School kindergarten teacher Jennifer Burkhead has her dream job. "I wanted to be a teacher since I was little," said Burkhead. "I played school at home and I couldn't imagine doing…

Educator of the Week - Martz

Stigall Primary School kindergarten teacher Brandi Martz may only be a third-year teacher, but says her career choice has been a long time in the making. "When I was little, I always played school. That's something I always wanted to…

Educator of the Week - Page

This video is no longer available. McKenzie Middle School fifth grade science and social studies teacher Sarah Page said her students can always brighten her day. "They are such a joy, and they have brought such laughter into my life,"…

Educator of the Week - Matthews

This video is no longer available. North Parkway Middle School math accelerate teacher Mal Matthews once intended on a different career. "When I finished college, I had a degree in Mass Communications," said Matthews. "When I came back home, I…

Educator of the Week - Haynes

This video is no longer available. Martin Elementary School 5th grade teacher Lindsay Haynes is finishing up her first year in her classroom, but she has been teaching since she was very young. "My dad bought me a chalkboard when…

Educator of the Week - Sherrod

Even though Sacred Heart of Jesus High School English teacher Kristy Sherrod is an educator, she says she's also a learner. "Teachers are always constant learners no matter what we teach," said Sherrod. "And I enjoy it. I always call…

Educator of the Week - Crowe

This video is no longer available. West Chester Elementary School second grade teacher Kelly Crowe loves to see her students' excitement when they learn something new. "I really like seeing as they're learning and the little light bulbs come on…

Educator of the Week - Willis

This video is no longer available. Jacks Creek Elementary School first grade teacher Susan Willis sees a leap in her students' learning throughout the year. "It is actually one of the essential building blocks, and if they don't get what…

Educator of the Week - Reaves

This video is no longer available. West Middle School geography teacher Shemon Reaves loves seeing the smiles on his students' faces when they accomplish a task. "It's a sense of excitement," said Reaves. "It runs through your body. An adrenaline…

Educator of the Week - Campbell

This video is no longer available. Trenton Elementary School first grade teacher Rose Campbell loves how quickly her young students absorb new material. "They're just learning to read," said Campbell. "The excitement is there and when they do realize they…

Educator of the Week - Smith

This video is no longer available. Westover Elementary School Pre-K teacher Jenny Smith said she loves seeing the light bulb go off when her students learn something new. "It may take more than once, it make take more than twice.…

Educator of the Week - Harris

This video is no longer available. Hardin County High School computer teacher Lori Harris makes a difference in her students' lives. "If we are teachers, and we are truly dedicated to our job, we are going to be available to…

Educator of the Week - Doaks

Trenton Rosenwald Middle School science teacher Charlotte Doaks has been changing lives of children for over 30 years. "They keep me going," said Doaks. "They keep me going; keep me motivated." Doaks hopes to motivate them by inspiring them to…

Educator of the Week - Floyd

This video is no longer available. Maury City Elementary School kindergarten teacher Abbey Floyd loves seeing her young students excited about learning. "This is one of their first years in school, and I feel like if I don't make it…

Educator of the Week - Milam

This video is no longer available. Montessori Center of Jackson upper elementary teacher Esther Milam loves when her students demonstrate what they have learned. "The children are learning at their own pace, they are meeting challenges, they sometimes set their…

Educator of the Week - Barnette

As a language arts teacher at Rose Hill Middle School, Acacia Barnette wears many different hats. "We're counselors, we're educators, we're mothers, we're nurses, we're nurturers, we're all those different things," said Barnette. "The greatest part of everything I do…

Educator of the Week - Meadows

This video is no longer available. Kevin Meadows started out in the business world before beginning his career as an algebra teacher at North Side High School. "When I decided I wanted to teach, it was because when I'm with…

Educator of the Week - Henning

This video is no longer available. Liberty Tech High School band teacher Karen Henning said music makes a world of difference in education. "Music is important for our students to have," said Henning. "All students need to have music." She…

Educator of the Week - Stricklin

This video is no longer available. Northside Elementary School kindergarten teacher Shelly Stricklin said she loves learning from her students while teaching them new things. "I never want to make it where they're going, 'Oh not this again!'" said Stricklin.…

Educator of the Week - Solmon

This video is no longer available. Dyersburg High School drama teacher Chris Solmon said her subject gives her students something other classes do not provide. "The fine arts are important because it teaches them creativity," said Solmon. "It allows them…

Educator of the Week - Howell

This video is no longer available. Martin Primary School first grade teacher Joan Howell said she and her students have their work cut out for them. "They are introduced to, oh so many objectives that they have to meet this…

Educator of the Week - Pierce

This video is no longer available. Beaver Elementary School Pre-K teacher Heather Pierce works with the youngest students in her school. "We teach a lot of character education," said Pierce. "That helps them learn to get along with others, and…

Educator of the Week - Young

This video is no longer available. Northeast Middle School math teacher Katrina Young admits she can be a tough educator. "I'm going to stay onto you if I know you can do this," said Young. "Don't get mad because I'm…

Educator of the Week - Anderson

Jackson Christian School chemistry teacher Earl Anderson enjoys seeing his students gain an appreciation for learning. "If I see where they seem to have an interest or develop an interest in the subject, that means a lot to me," said…

Educator of the Week - McDaniel

This video is no longer available. Dyer School fifth grade teacher Terri McDaniel said her job involves much more than just academics. "An educator is someone who is loving and nurturing and is patient and is kind - because you…

Educator of the Week - Burkett

This video is no longer available. Camden Elementary School first grade teacher Sabrina Burkett said there Is one thing that will make her day. "The hugs. I love the hugs every morning," said Burkett. "They definitely brighten my day. Hugs…

Educator of the Week -Debbie Abbott

This video is no longer available. Spring Hill School first grade teacher Debbie Abbott said watching her students learn gives her an amazing sense of accomplishment. "I go home some nights and think, 'Wow, I can't believe they got that…

Educator of the Week - Allen

This video is no longer available. Teaching social studies at St. Mary's School isn't John Allen's first job. "I had been in the insurance business for 30 years, retired, went back to school and decided I wanted to teach, teach…

Educator of the Week - Lucas

This video is no longer available. Malesus Elementary School second grade teacher Margaret Lucas says watching her students learn is like watching her own children. "If you were a mother, you would feel that way," said Lucas. "When your child…

Educator of the Week - Margaret Campbell

This video is no longer available. South Elementary School 3rd grade teacher Margaret Campbell said she stays away from worksheets, and emphasizes creativity in the classroom. "We just try to light up learning in the classroom," said Campbell. And in…

Educator of the Week - Pollock

This video is no longer available. South Haven Elementary School fifth grade teacher Andy Pollock listens for his favorite sound. "'Ohh!'" said Pollock. "That's the favorite sound of a teacher. A teacher loves it among all the other sounds that…



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