Headers Small 2023 1

According to Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security, from January 1st to September 30 of this year, there have been 301 alcohol-related crashes in the WBBJ viewing area alone. There have been 4,439 statewide. This must stop.

In an effort to combat these statistics, WBBJ and our sponsors present: A Recipe for Holiday Safety. Great tasting, non-alcoholic drinks, just in time for your holiday gatherings.

We will post a delicious non-alcoholic drink recipe here daily, Thanksgiving through New Year’s Eve. So, whether you’re a designated driver or just enjoy a non-alcoholic alternative, you’ll be able to enjoy your holiday festivities.

Let’s do our part to keep our fellow West Tennesseans safe. You never know. The life you save, may be your own.


Special Thanks
to our Sponsors:



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