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10Rising Hearts: Student is a mentor, leader at Anderson County High School

"He has kind of a knack for finding students who may not be having a great day and always encouraging them."

ANDERSON COUNTY, Tenn. — School is a place where he is not only comfortable but also happy.

"One of my favorite places at school is the library, which is where we are right now," Kirby Logan said. 

He's an excellent student at Anderson County High School. He is in the National Honor Society and the 30 + club for scoring at least a 30 on the ACT.

"Miss McCracken has always taught me that reading a book can be way more valuable than watching a movie, or a YouTube video or something like that. And that as long as you can read, you can learn," he said. 

He's learned empathy and can appreciate what other people feel. 

"He's got a big heart so he practices a lot of servant leadership. He's a leader but he's not afraid to get in there and get his hands dirty. He's not just telling people this is what you need to do, he's down there doing it," senior principal Travis Freeman said. 

"He has kind of a knack for finding students who may not be having a great day and always encouraging them," school counselor Jenny Martin said. 

Kirby is part of a group called code breakers that shares insights on the ACT and SAT with eighth-grade students. He also mentors freshmen.

"It's just nice knowing that I can pass on my experiences down to the younger classes just as my mentor did for me when I was a freshman," Kirby said. 

Kirby is the SGA President and he's active in ROTC at school and may even be a chaplain in the military someday. 

"Through thick and thin, I have my faith and I have that concrete belief in what I believe in. And sharing that is something that I really look forward to," he said. 

That's why the Fellowship of Christian Athletes meeting is one of his favorite times each week. 

He's an athlete. Cross country is his specialty. He's a Christian. And he's a leader. 

"We have a little over a thousand kids and if you polled those kids and said who are some of the leaders in your school Kirby would definitely come up a lot in those answers as a leader for our whole school," Freeman said. 

"Kirby has a wonderful family, a lot of support,  and he wants to use his influence to be a positive influence on other students," Martin said.

He will attend Carson-Newman University in the fall where he has a track scholarship.

"I know he's going to be successful at Carson-Newman athletically and academically. The sky is the limit for him in the future," Freeman said. 

The sky is the limit for Kirby Logan.

We want to showcase students who reach beyond their schools and families to help make our community better. To nominate a student, please send an email describing them and their community service to [email protected]

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