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VR Registration & Certification Info  
The Annotated Code of Maryland, Labor and Employment Article 9-671 and 9-6A-18 requires that vocational rehabilitation practitioners register and vocational rehabilitation providers enroll with the Commission before providing vocational rehabilitation services to a disabled covered employee.


Provider - the enrolled vocational rehabilitation organization, including the Division of Rehabilitation Services (DoRS) that provides vocational rehabilitation services to a disabled covered employee through a registered vocational rehabilitation practitioner.
Rehabilitation practitioner means an individual who provides vocational rehabilitation services including:
  • a nurse certified by the State Board of Nursing as a nurse case manager;
  • a rehabilitation counselor;
  • a vocational evaluator;
  • a physical therapist;
  • and an occupational therapist.
Registration: Practitioners providing vocational rehabilitation services to more than 3 injured workers per year are required to register with the Workers' Compensation Commission. A practitioner must submit a completed WCC Form VR08 - Rehabilitation Service Practitioner Registration Application and the $150 registration fee to the Support Services Division. The registration is valid for three years from date of issuance.
MCRSP Renewal Procedures: Renewal is based on acceptance of the submitted application, compliance with the rules, regulations and standards of practice of the Practitioner's licensing Commission or Board and documentation of the completion of twelve continuing education credits since the date of the practitioner's most recent registration or renewal. Six (6) credits of CEUs must be obtained through WCC training programs. The remaining six (6) CEUs may be obtained by attending seminars or workshops by other organizations that are approved by the Commission.
Waiver of Registration: Practitioners providing vocational rehabilitation services to no more than three (3) disabled covered employees per year may apply to the Commission for a waiver of the registration requirements by online filing a completed Rehabilitation Service Practitioner Application for Waiver of Registration with the Support Services Division. There is no fee for registration and the waiver is valid for two years from date of issue or until the practitioner provides vocational rehabilitation services to more than three (3) disabled covered employees. Practitioners whose registration has been waived are not required to submit continuing education credits for re-registration but must comply with Commission rules and procedures.
Provider Enrollment (COMAR
Organizations providing vocational rehabilitation services through registered vocational rehabilitation service practitioners must enroll with the Commission by submitting online (via CompHub) a completed Vocational Rehabilitation Provider Enrollment Application to the Support Services Division. Enrollment is valid for a period of 2 years from the date of issuance.

The Commission will provide an electronic notice of renewal to registered practitioners and enrolled providers 30 days prior to date of expiration of their registration or enrollment. Applications for renewal must be completed and filed online via the CompHub portal.

Workers' Compensation Commission
Attn: MCRSP Support Services Section
10 East Baltimore Street
Baltimore, MD  21202-1641

Questions? [email protected]

Telephone: (410) 864-5320
FAX: (410) 864-5251