Unionized Nonfiction Production Companies

Current Nonfiction Shops

The contract goals at each of these shops are the same: to improve conditions at the production companies themselves, and to ultimately raise standards and improve working conditions across the entire nonfiction industry.

  • BSTV Entertainment
  • ITV Kirkstall/Leftfield
  • Jigsaw
  • Lion
  • McGee Media
  • NBC News Service (f.k.a. Peacock)
  • Vox Entertainment
  • Vice
  • Sharp
  • Story Syndicate

Becoming a Member at a Guild Shop

If you work at a nonfiction production company that has unionized with the WGA East but are not yet a Guild member, contact Ross Hart ([email protected]) for the membership forms.

Flex Plan Forms

Many Guild Nonfiction shops participate in a portable health care plan known as the Entertainment Industry Flex Plan.

Under the Flex Plan, anyone working at a union shop—including people who are currently opting out of insurance—would receive a employer contribution for health care which could be used by the employee in a variety of ways.

The contribution could be used to purchase primary insurance through the Flex Plan; to purchase supplemental (e.g., dental, vision, disability) insurance if you already have primary insurance; or it could be used to pay for other eligible expenses, such as a spouse’s group plan.

Visit the Flex Plan website.
If you have questions about the Flex Plan, contact Ross Hart ([email protected]).

Guild Member Benefits

In addition to the benefits and protections secured by a union contract, Guild members also receive discounts and other benefits at many publications and organizations. To view these benefits, click here. (You will need to log into your member account.)
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