Essential Newborn Care Course

Essential Newborn Care Course

Second edition

Dominic Chavez/The Global Financing Facility
© Credits

Overview ENCC second edition

Circle of learning and improvement
Using the Circle of Learning and Improvement, the Essential Newborn Care Course (ENCC) aims to build competencies that save lives and help all newborns reach their full potential.

What is new in the second edition?

Transforming standards into care

  • Incorporating guidance from recent WHO recommendations
  • Addressing global gaps in care
  • Including links to key references and resources

Kangaroo mother care

Applying contemporary educational methods 

  • Active learning and skills mastery through simulation and clinical practice
  • Facility-based education to promote inter-professional engagement 
  • Flexible content to meet learning needs 
  • Flexible format, both print and digital Flexible learning agenda and timeline - concentrated or distributed over time
  • Videos to model interventions and behaviours
Simulation in nursing and midwifery education

Adding quality improvement

  • Clinical practice with newborns
  • Quality improvement template to identify gaps and solutions
  • Use of local data to check for improvement
  • Focus on sustained improvement
Adding quality improvement-clinical practice in newborn health - plan, do, study, act
Adding quality improvement-clinical practice in newborn health - plan, do, study, act
© Credits
Quality of care-adding quality improvement to clinical practice in newborn health
Quality of care-adding quality improvement to clinical practice in newborn health
© Credits

Who can benefit from ENCC second edition?

ENCC is designed for all health workers who care for newborns:

  • Midwives
  • Nurses
  • Physicians (medical officers, pediatricians, obstetricians)
  • All other cadres including community health workers with newborn care in their scope of practice.

Interprofessional education in ENCC sessions strengthens communication and teamwork. ENCC can be used in both inservice (refresher and orientation) and pre-service (nursing, midwifery, medical) education.

Nursing students at the Muhimbili School of Nursing and Midwifery, Tanzania
Laerdal Global Health
Nursing students at the Muhimbili School of Nursing and Midwifery, Tanzania
© Credits

What materials are part of ENCC second edition?

Essential Newborn Care 1

Immediate Care and Helping Babies Breathe at Birth
The first 60 minutes after birth

Essential Newborn Care 2

Assessment and Continuing Care
From 60-90 minutes to discharge from the facility and first month

ENCC 1-Action Plan 1-Immediate Care
ENCC 2 Action Plan-From 60-90 minutes

Action Plans – Pictorial wall charts that provide the evaluation/decision/action framework for providing care.

Facilitator Flipcharts – Images make concepts visible to participants and key messages guide facilitators.

Provider Guides – Participant resource for practice during a course, just-in-time refresher learning, and ideas for changes to improve care.

Simulation Practice Cards – Group practice simulations for continued building of skills and teamwork.

Parent Guide – Pictorial chart or handout to emphasize key messages for continuing essential newborn care at home.



Each module explores important steps of care through:

  • Interactive slide sets with notes to guide active learning - Demonstrations and hands-on practice, simulations, questions and discussion, videos for examination of the evidence behind recommendations
  • Clinical practice to build skills and observe routine care in the facility
  • Quality improvement activities to identify gaps in care and prioritise improvement aims.

Three cross-cutting modules addresses the foundation for quality in all newborn care:

  • Communication and respectful care
  • Infection prevention for newborns
  • Data collection and use

Ten thematic modules explore specific issues:

  • Care at birth and in the first hour
  • Examination of the newborn
  • Feeding
  • Special care of small newborns

How can the materials be used to meet learning needs?

  • Flexible components allow organisers and facilitators to select the content that the participants need.
  • Courses are held in the health facility or where newborn care is provided.
  • Flexible learning agendas allow concentrated sessions over one to three days, or distributed sessions over weeks or months.
  • Materials can be used in digital format for laptops or mobile phones and in print.
  • The educational materials can be adapted to all contexts where newborns are cared for including fragile settings, conflict, humanitarian situations, and hard-to-reach settings.
How can ENCC materials be used?

Useful resources

Kangaroo mother care: a transformative innovation in health care

This document puts forward the joint position and vision of an expert, global, multistakeholder working group on implementing Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC)...

WHO recommendations for care of the preterm or low-birth-weight infant

The recommendations in this guideline are intended to inform development of national and subnational health policies, clinical protocols and programmatic...

WHO recommendations on maternal and newborn care for a positive postnatal experience

This guideline aims to improve the quality of essential, routine postnatal care for women and newborns with the ultimate goal of improving maternal and...

Standards for improving quality of maternal and newborn care in health facilities

Much progress has been made during the past two decades in coverage of births in health facilities; however, reductions in maternal and neonatal mortality...