Topic on User talk:Matlin

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Summary by Matlin

Discussion is over. Next step will be in AN.

Emu (talkcontribs)

I have blocked you for not being responsive to issues brought up on your talk page. Since this is not the first time, please provide a detailed plan about how not to run into this problem again. CC @Mastrocom, @Kolja21, @Multichill, @Mormegil, @Trade.

Kolja21 (talkcontribs)
Matlin (talkcontribs)

One more thing: zero emails even though I asked because of my communication problems. In fact, this is enough to abandon the principle of goodwill. I can't prevent you from writing anything, it's unacceptable based on the "spirit" of the Wiki project, but I don't want you to be in my talk pages.

Emu (talkcontribs)

Please accept the fact that nobody is under any obligation to use email in communicating with you. Please also accept the fact that you can’t prevent other users from using your talk page to address grievances they might have with your edits.

Matlin (talkcontribs)
Emu (talkcontribs)

Could you please rephrase your comment? I don’t understand what you are trying to say.

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Matlin (talkcontribs)
Emu (talkcontribs)

There is no GND 000430420. It’s more or less a display issue of VIAF.

Kolja21 (talkcontribs)
Matlin (talkcontribs)

Sorry, i missclicked "thank you" button. I don't want to thank you XDDDD

I closed this discussion, but I would also like to put a stop to the i, so as to finally dismantle the arguments of the people who persecute me here.

Let us take an example: the paper encyclopedia gives an incorrect date of birth: instead of 1945 it gives 1954. Doesn't the date 1945 exist, does it "display" incorrectly? If someone has problems with vision or perception - maybe so. It exists, it is just a wrong date, which should be marked with an outdated rank, according to the help page. Reason, according to the help page: "it allows other users to know not to re-add the value to the item" or others). And the reason for the obsolete rank (according to Q52105174): for example, Q21441764, Q54975531 or Q14946528.

The GND identifier in the wrong form "EXISTS", even if "not displayed correctly". It is visible on the VIAF website ( and has a separate page on this website ( It is in one form and not another. It is not the fault of the author of the edit that he wants to copy the ID faithfully.

Let me mention, although it is slightly less substantive, that your colleague uses these tools (or at least one of them) in the same way (see screens). It's not a bad thing, and I do too - as many people do. I am only surprised that you are not protesting in his affairs. Wrong entries in MnM still exist ( It is so persistent and malicious (although Emu usually deleted these entries) that it was strange and downright shameless and, above all, to the detriment of WD (one or two clicks was enough). So this is semi-vandalism in my opinion.

There is no point in showing me the help pages for the ID. This is not my plot. I was just using tools to transfer values to Wikidata. 99.9% were successful. 3,074,258 editions, 73,401 reverted (2%), of which the vast majority are auto-corrections and not related to external identifiers, but big batches in Harvest Templates.

So finish this topic. Of course, I will close the thread again, but the point is that you, because we do not know what my future will be here, should not touch on this topic and accept that this is what is being done in this project. And there are quite reasonable methods of working in such cases (no, no blocking me XDDD because others will do it too). In the future, Wikidata and its tools will be better and better, and these "prostheses" in the form of eg an deprecated rank will be unnecessary.

Matlin (talkcontribs)

Kolja, I am asking you to leave the case of my blockade, because your previous (and most likely present) actions have shown that you are not willing to compromise (probably Mix'n'match and others gadgets are unknown to you), you view my edits selectively and therefore I cannot assume that you are acting in good faith. Normally your editions, e.g. for Norway, would be revert by me (and set rank "deprecation" (source: Help: Deprecation], "it allows other users to know not to re-add the value to the item" ), but your colleague came up with the "toll" idea of blocking me again and therefore not being able to model the data better by me .I am not responsible for my edits while blocked, because I have no chance to correct them - before and after noticing mistakes by others.

Kolja21 (talkcontribs)

The rank "deprecated" is only used for a valid source. For example for a different year of birth stated in a dictionary. Your edits don't give a source and the IDs I've deleted are simply wrong. They do not exist. It's an abuse of tools like authority control.js where it says: only add checked identifiers. You never checked your edits. I only find the most obvious errors. (Non existing IDs and duplicates.) There are many wrong IDs that still need to be corrected. - And about the communication: You've been blocked multiple time for the same reason. After the blocks you are very talkative. There is no reason for writing an email. It's not a private issue and you know how to use a talk page.

Matlin (talkcontribs)

>valid source:

Viaf is valid source XDDDD better is: to add viaf as source and set rank than reverting, when someone re-add it in future.

> They do not exist.

So why they exist in the tool XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDddddddddddd However if If the tool has such a serious bugs then maybe I really should be more careful.

> You never checked your edits

Its a lie. Next time I will report those kind of comments on Administrators' noticeboard (If I be not blocked from doing it). You have to write more carefully because admins can take your words too seriously and have a distorted view of reality. These words can cause damage.


Bot is removing duplicates, so checking this is waste of time. Duplicate items are checking by me (not only mine, but others).

>There are many wrong IDs that still need to be corrected.

So correct it. I correct mine and others' errors during my work in WD. Showing 10 wrong edits out of 247k (September 2022)) is strong manipulation.

>You are very talkative.

Another untruth. See time between blocks and unblocks. I don't want to talk with (to put it mildly) unpleasant, demanding, biased and unable to compromise people (there are also many helpful and pleasant users, but unfortunately the most of them (but not all) for some reason avoid my talk page 🤣🤣🤣). I do this (talk) only when i have to, for the sake of the project. Because of this, I was even ridiculed on the Wikimedia Polska Discord server (even by admin of plwikisource!). Having to deal with such a toxic part of the community has a very negative impact on my mental well-being.

Since: I observe the ways of editing by others, I read the guidelines from time to time, I revert revert's only when it is strongly justified (for example: valuable statement loss), everyone make mistakes and the most answer for the most complaints would be "unerstandable" - there is no reason for me to answer.

And even "spamming" (let no one take this term seriously) on my site will have the opposite effect, as it will create an atmosphere of bullying me and getting closer to making a "tolle" (term from discuss on @Emu talk page XD) decision to block me.

I really don't feel comfortable in this community....even though I did a lot for the project.

> There is no reason for writing an email.

Yes, there is: I am asking for it. If you act in goodwill with the goal of successfully persuading someone to be right, you do it.

> It's not a private issue.

Who says its private issue? You can write: "please see this issue/topic: [url]". It is better than nothing.

>you know how to use a talk page

You also know how to use MnM, I explained it to you once, right? XD

Matlin (talkcontribs)

One more thing. Your actions (and that of other administrators in the past and possibly in the future) are not appropriate and reasonable in my opinion:

Noticing a group of users below the information about my blockade creates an atmosphere of persecution. What are these users to do about it? Start accusing like Kolja? By te way: I feel seriously haunted by this user at times. This is confirmed by Kolja's confrontational statements. It may even be "stalking" / "bullying".

What will these accusations do, since the starting problem of the block is allegedly my silence, not erroneous edits. I can't edit so what should I do about these bugs? All I can say is "yes, they are mistakes". I do it (but not by answers of course) in ca 98% of cases. And what's next? To tell everyone where they come from (most often from incorrect edits of other users, but also in minority my mistakes, for example conflation), to prove what I do with these errors - it is usually ineffective (see especially Kolja's behaviour).

I really don't know what the purpose of this is. The only explanation, unlikely, and I do not assume it, is to provoke my aggression and provoke offensive statements that would justify the blockade.

Therefore, I am waiting for the final decision of the administrators or for immediate unblocking. Obviously, the longer the waiting time, the more WD is lost. In fact, without me, the elements related to Poland (P31: Q5) would be (a term from the Danielmagical universe) "feces and lentils" xD. This is more than even, let's assume, several dozen wrong identifiers, the introduction of which could have been avoided if the goodwill of the other side and quick familiarization with the tools.

EOT at this moment.

Emu (talkcontribs)

You have not addressed most of the issues brought to you on this talk page in the last weeks and when you did, I mostly see attacks and insults. I have not seen any assurance of you that you will try to address any problems that may arise in the future in a timely manner. I have therefore decided not to lift your block. You are of course free to address your concerns of unfair treatment on WD:AN.

Matlin (talkcontribs)

And yes, if such a request is not made by you, I will do it for you. It is a pity, because by telling me the alleged "lack of cooperation" you are not able to cooperate with me in minor matters. Even Multichill respected my request.

The AN request will be based on the following matrix:

Attempts to contact these users end up with a serious deterioration of my mental health, which even makes my daily functioning impossible. This is not asking for mercy, but an indication that there is very little inclusiveness towards people with disabilities (I assume this is not the first time) in this project. So I ask the following (I omit the reasons and the description of the situation, they are in the previous Multichill report as well as on my talk page, especially with a user named "Kolja ...").

If the block cannot be removed and the blocking administrator remains passive, I request that I be blocked completely, because I will not change my behavior, because I am not obliged to do so (there is no such written obligation). At the same time, I believe that my behavior is appropriate.

Simultaneously I deny the information that I do not want to cooperate. I have never said that, my actions also indicate it. Cooperation is not only about exchanging messages.

I deny that I am taking responsibility for edits out of myself. Edits marked with my username are mine, but the fallacy of these decisions may come from other users: those who, for example, incorrectly match the MnM element to the WD element, or those who know that the error does not repeat, you need to remove the match from MnM ( discussions with Kolja). The adequate cause-and-effect relationship is not on my side. This has been discussed many times, but the users attacking me are unable to accept it or present a valid argument against it.

It's sad that most likely only the administrator's opinion will count anyway. A user with a disability and communication problems (not due to ill will) will be at a loss here. Even if he repeatedly made concessions and compromises.

It might actually be too vain, but it's a shame WD won't have me. I did a lot and had even more in mind.

Obviously, I ask Kolja to respect my request not to join this discussion because, as I have proved in discussions with this user, he is biased towards me, acts in bad faith and is incapable of compromising.

Emu (talkcontribs)

I am sorry to hear that you are experiencing health problems. I am more than willing to meet you halfway but the things you keep demanding just aren’t acceptable:

  1. Yes, cooperation isn’t only about exchanging messages but if there are legitimate concerns about your edits, we can’t really do without exchanging messages. At the very least you should cease to perform controversial types of edit.
  2. Yes, we have discussed the MnM issue many, many times. But as you have been told repeatedly, there is no obligation to use MnM in a way that you want to. And that’s really the end of the story, I’m afraid. It is your obligation to sanitize any edits that rely on MnM information. If you can’t do it, just don’t import MnM data.
  3. I have yet to see any concession or willingness to compromise on your part. You seem to have resorted to trolling me by pinging me in random discussions. While this doesn’t affect any blocking or unblocking decisions, this isn’t really helpful at all.

Maybe you could pledge not to perform certain controversial types of edits like MnM imports? That would be a good way to find a way that you can continue to benefit this project. --Emu (talk) 16:15, 16 October 2022 (UTC)

Multichill (talkcontribs)

At this point I think it's better to go for a community ban. Matlin isn't learning and keeps making the same mistake.

Matlin (talkcontribs)


Of course, I haven't forgotten about the case, I'm busy with my new job. I'm not sure what tactics I'll take yet. But now I see that I am being treated unfairly. I've noticed many examples of not responding to issues (Nurni), not being banned for supposedly incorrect edits (Vojtěch Dostál). Recently, Reinheitsgebot flooded WD with external identifiers (BTW Kolya must have had a heart attack xD). Partly also on my own initiative (I work in MnM) This is also good. You still have the option of unblocking me amicably, then if my request is accepted by the administrators (small chance, but still), you will be accused of abuse for a longer period.

Emu (talkcontribs)

Duly noted.

Trade (talkcontribs)

I'm out of the loop. What happened, again?

Emu (talkcontribs)

@Trade I just pinged you because you wrote something on GTA VI on their talk page without a response.

Trade (talkcontribs)

That got solved by someone else long time ago. I have nothing to add here

Reply to "Block"