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Digital Services Act

Monthly Active Recipients Report

In accordance with the European Union (“EU”) Digital Services Act (“DSA”), Yelp publishes information about its number of average monthly active recipients of Yelp’s service in the EU.

The number of average monthly active recipients of Yelp’s service in the EU for the six months prior to August 1, 2024 is 5.01M.

This information was prepared for the DSA and its specific requirements. It may differ from Yelp traffic and user metrics reported in other contexts, including metrics reported in filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, and should not be used for other purposes.

Illegal Content

If you believe there is content on Yelp that is illegal on the basis of EU law, or national law in compliance with EU law, you can report it using Yelp’s in-product reporting features described here. You can also report that content using this form.

Disputes About User Content and Accounts

Yelp’s Content Guidelines, which are incorporated into Yelp’s Terms of Service, are available here.

In accordance with the DSA, you are able to appeal Yelp’s content and account moderation decisions within six months as described here. If you disagree with the outcome of that appeal, you can contact a certified out-of-court dispute settlement body to help resolve the dispute. 

The process for seeking out-of-court settlement resolution has not been established, and that process may vary depending on the Member State. We will provide additional information on that process once it is available.

The European Commission will maintain a website listing the available settlement bodies as they become certified. Decisions by out-of-court dispute settlement bodies are not binding on you or on Yelp.

Transparency Reports

Information on Yelp’s content moderation activities can be found here. Reports regarding Yelp’s moderation activities in the EU will be shared below when available.

Recommender System Transparency

Yelp recommends content to you when you visit Yelp based on certain parameters described below. The goal for Yelp’s recommender systems is to surface the most useful and relevant content to you. While you generally cannot modify or influence these recommendations, there may be options to adjust the content you are seeing, for example, through engaging filters associated with your search.

Search Ranking

Yelp’s goal is to show the most useful and relevant results in response to consumer searches. The main criteria for determining the information you see in search results are the information you provide in your search query (including any specified location) and any further filters you apply to the initial results (such as filters relating to pricing or business features). In displaying results, Yelp also takes into account the ratings, user engagement data, and number of reviews relating to businesses that are relevant to your query.

You can sort your search results in different ways, and Yelp has several filters that you can apply to further narrow your search results. More information about how Yelp determines search results can be found here.

Other Business Recommendations

Yelp may also show you businesses on its platform in places other than search results. For example, we may show businesses in your home feed, through notifications and/or emails, and through Yelp’s “Surprise Me” feature. 

The main criteria we use to decide which businesses to show through such features are your search history and past interactions with businesses on our platform (for example, by viewing a business page or photos, engaging with business reviews, or seeking directions to a business). We also show you businesses we determine to be similar to businesses you have previously interacted with.

Your Next Review Awaits

Yelp has a feature that prompts you to consider writing reviews for businesses that you might have visited. The main criteria we use to determine which business(es) we recommend are your search history and past interactions with businesses on our platform (for example, by viewing a business page or photos, engaging with business reviews, or seeking directions to a business). You may also be prompted to continue writing a review of a business if you previously started writing a review of it.

Point of Contact

The European Commission, EU Member States’ authorities, and the European Board for Digital Services may contact Yelp regarding the DSA at [email protected]

Communications with this email address should be in the English language, but if necessary, we will work with authorities to accommodate communication in another language. 

Yelp will not respond to messages sent to this email address that are not from governmental authorities regarding the DSA. Information about how others can contact Yelp can be found here.

Legal Representative

Yelp’s EU legal representative is:

Yelp Ireland Ltd.
70 Sir John Rogerson’s Quay
Dublin 2, Ireland
+1 (415) 908-3801
[email protected]