Field Trips

Yick Wo students are fortunate to have the incredible city of San Francisco at their doorstep. Field trip locations include the DeYoung Museum, the Symphony, the Asian Art Museum, SF Ballet, SF Children's Theatre, Coit Tower, Academy of Sciences, Aquatic Park, Kule Loklo, Boudin Bakery, Half Moon Bay Pumpkin Patch, Elkus Ranch, Slide Ranch, Angel Island, the Zoo, Aquatic Park, and many more exciting locations throughout the bay area.


Students enjoy weekly art instruction in a variety of mediums including painting, drawing, collage, paper mache, and mixed media. Art projects support classroom instruction, and give children opportunities to create gifts for special occasions.

Outdoor Education Program

Yick Wo's gardens are living classrooms where standards-based curriculum is taught, and aid students in their discovery of the living world. Children are simultaneously stimulated, focused, and calmed by time in the garden. Children enjoy hands-on, experiential learning in a variety of disciplines, including the natural and social sciences, language arts (e.g., through garden journaling), visual arts (e.g., through garden design and decoration), and nutrition.

Reading Recovery & Math Support

Our Reading Specialist works with students who need extra help, which is just one way the PTO helps foster excellence that benefits all Yick Wo students, and helps keep Yick Wo ranked a 9 on Great Schools.

Physical Activity and Recess Support

Students at Yick Wo enjoy outdoor activities several times each week with physical activity classes with Coach Robinson, and physical education classes with PE specialist Coach Cho. The Physical Education curriculum is intended to develop physically-educated individuals who have the knowledge, skills, and confidence to enjoy a lifetime of healthful activity. Physical activity classes are intended to provide recreational and fun activities for students. Coach Robinson also provides recess support.

Performing Arts

Yick Wo's 2nd and 3rd graders are introduced to the world of dance by visiting instructors from the SF Ballet. Some classrooms also work with the SF Opera. Opera students build sets, write arias, design costumes, condense scripts, and perform a mini-opera at the end of the school year. The creative process supports common core and reinforces standards for students in all grades.

Music and Dance

Yick Wo students and teachers utilize the rich resources of the surrounding bay area community to infuse the campus with music and dance. All grades enjoy lively, joyful, weekly dance classes. Fourth and fifth graders have the option to select from a number of string instruments.

Chess Club

Here students learn the basics of strategy, and help them enjoy the spirit of competition from a chess master from the Mechanic's Institute.