Frequently Asked Questions:

General FAQ

This could be as simple as resetting your password – please click the person 👤 icon to navigate to the login page and click “Lost your password”. You will receive an email to reset your password.

If resetting your password did not work, then please fill in the “Contact Us” form and we will take care of your account access.

We apologize for any inconvenience. There may have been a lull in the system as technology can have lagging issues sometimes – so we recommend logging out, clearing your cache, closing your browser/app, logging back in and attempting to access the classes.

Sometimes if you open a page in a new tab, the system will think that you logged out. So 1) be sure you’re logged in when trying to access videos and 2) perhaps avoid opening in a new tab.
Also make sure you have access to Vimeo, which is our video streaming platform. Vimeo is restricted in some locations/countries – so please make sure you have access to Vimeo since this is where all of our videos are streamed through.
If the problem persists, then please fill in the “Contact Us” form and we will take care of your account access.


Sorry about the trouble in accessing your course. Our purchase confirmation emails can get caught in spam filters. We recommend adding [email protected] to your contact list which ensures that Yoga Medicine® emails land in your inbox.

To access your Trainings & Courses:

  • Login via using your existing credentials
  • Click the person 👤 icon, or use the menu ☰ in the top right corner to navigate to your account dashboard
  • Click on “Courses and Trainings”
  • Filter to “All Categories” to see all of your currently enrolled content

If you are still having trouble accessing your course, fill in the “Contact Us” form and we will be back to you as soon as we can.

The Find a Teacher Directory is a free and transparent resource that showcases a teacher’s level of training. It is a tool for everyone to use – from Yoga Medicine® teachers finding a colleague from a previous training, to a client looking for a qualified local teacher, to an institution looking to launch a yoga program. This resource has instigated Yoga Medicine® teachers’ involvement in corporate yoga programs, medical studies, publishing articles, working with professional athletes, and much more. Only teachers who have trained with Yoga Medicine® are included in the directory.

  • Login via using your existing credentials
  • Click the person 👤 icon, or use the menu ☰ in the top right corner to navigate to your account dashboard
  • Click on “Teacher Directory > Update Listing”

If you have any questions, please fill in the “Contact Us” form and we will assist you in updating your profile.

By training with Yoga Medicine®, you will receive a top quality yoga education with tools to help you network and build your professional profile. After completing any one of our three certification programs (200HR, 500HR, 1000HR) or completing a training of 20+ hours with Yoga Medicine®, you will be added to the Find a Teacher Directory – a resource used by people seeking high-calibre yoga teachers for opportunities ranging from private sessions to joining holistic wellness programs. Our teachers have been approached to join medical studies, healthcare providers, corporate yoga, publishing articles, online yoga classes, conferences, building therapeutic programs for professional athletes, and much more.

200HR Program

200HR YTTs are offered all around the world in a myriad of formats, so there are innumerable factors to compare. What is more important is deciding what factors matter to you. Here are a few of the strengths that we love about Yoga Medicine®’s 200HR program:

  • Yoga Medicine®’s teaching faculty has a breadth of experience teaching in their communities – locally and globally. They each have their own areas of expertise from their careers on and off the yoga mat, plus a wealth of information that they gained by training directly with our founder, Tiffany Cruikshank.
  • Our program has stood the test of time, and its longevity speaks volumes on its own. Tiffany Cruikshank built the 200HR curriculum before YTTs were widely available, and over the decades she has continuously refined the content. We continuously raise our own bar!
  • The program’s three-part format was developed to ensure participants have ample opportunity to digest the information they learn and apply it to their own practice. Both weeks are intensive, and you’ll be presented with an array of new concepts – so don’t think it is a breeze! But if you are up to the challenge, you’ll take the knowledge from the intensive Week 1, spend 4-5 months reviewing and applying the concepts in your homework, then come back for the intensive Week 2 ready with a stronger practice and a solid footing on all the key concepts from the curriculum.
  • Anatomy and Physiology
  • Application of Anatomy to Yoga
  • Alignment
  • Adjusting
  • Sequencing
  • Sanskrit
  • Yoga Philosophy
  • Pranayama
  • Meditation
  • Chakras
  • Ayurveda
  • Inspiring and Motivating Your Students
  • Business and Ethics
  • Observation and Practice Teaching
  • The Yoga Medicine® 200HR Yoga Teacher Training is designed for the dedicated student who would like to start teaching yoga and anyone who would like to deepen their knowledge and personal practice. We designed this program to allow for greater flexibility for individuals with careers and families by offering two separate week-long trainings with online coursework in between. The accessible content keeps you engaged in the training once you return to your regular schedule and you receive a powerful community experience while immersed in the two retreat weeks.
  • Yoga Medicine®’s curriculum is created with a sound knowledge of anatomy, alignment, and adjustments. This foundation will serve as a powerful base from which to teach and guide your students through a practice that educates, inspires, and heals. Since each person finds their own unique calling within yoga, our program encourages a creative focus to unlock each student’s individual potential. There is no script or set sequence to memorize, just your own unique voice that will grow with confidence as a certified yoga teacher.
  • Click here for more information on the 200HR program.

Absolutely! The 200HR program is geared towards anatomical novices. If you have an anatomy or medical background, then this review will still shed new light on anatomy through a yoga lens.

You are ready to start on your journey to become a teacher if you have a love for yoga, the curiosity to learn more, and the desire to share what you love about yoga with others. All the rest is exactly what this 200HR program will show you! You’ll learn key points for each asana, how to give safe adjustments and modifications, how to cue others through a sequence, instructions for communicating with a wide audience, and how to ground your personal practice so you teach from what you know in your body.

Don’t worry – crazy arm balances and complex twists are not a prerequisite! We require participants in our program have a dedicated yoga practice for 1 year minimum so everyone has a working familiarity with a variety of asanas. From there we give you information to refine your practice from both a student and teacher perspective. Within the two training weeks you will surely meet a few challenging postures, but that is the beauty of yoga and your body – both systems learn from each other!

Yoga Medicine® is not a style of yoga but rather a training that educates the teacher to understand the body and create individualized yoga programs for the student based on their understanding of the anatomy, biomechanics, physiology, and the traditional practice of yoga. We have participants from all schools of yoga find that our trainings help deepen their knowledge of asana and the body in a way that translates effectively to their own yoga methodology. In the 200HR, the practices will be a mix of hatha vinyasa intermingled with therapeutics and restorative practices.

The cost of the 200HR is based on location and room accommodation.

For a 200HR training, your tuition includes all training weeks (whether in-person or online), accommodations, and 3 healthy meals per day. Airfare and transportation to/from the retreat center are not included. We highly recommend travel insurance.

We are all about traveling, however, each participant needs to attend the full training that they begin with. This ensures cohesion between the training groups, your teachers, and your group leader. It also affects your online homework which we specifically tailor to fit Weeks 1 and 2. We would hate for you to fall behind!

Yes! The Yoga Medicine® 200-hour Teacher Training is back with the same exceptional curriculum, now with a virtual flair!

While registration is closed for the current Online 200HR Program, please click here to learn more about the program structure.

500HR / 1000HR Program

No – Yoga Medicine®’s 1000HR program is a continuation of the 500HR program, so the 500HR Yoga Medicine® certificate is a prerequisite. Please click here for more information on the 500HR program.

The Yoga Medicine® 500HR certification program is comprised of the 200HR certificate prerequisite and 300 hours in advanced trainings completed with Yoga Medicine®. The 300 hours are accomplished with 290 hours earned through trainings (in-person and online) and online courses. Each participant is encouraged to choose a combination of modules and/or immersions which best fits their personal preferences of training focus, timing, and travel. The remaining 10 hours are achieved by conducting 1 case study for 3 trainings (3 case studies total)) of your choosing that you apply towards your 500HR. For more information on our trainings, click here.

  • The fees for advanced training courses vary upon the type. In our week-long trainings that are hosted at a retreat center, the fees include training tuition, accommodations for the duration of the training, and 3 healthy meals per day. Airfare and transportation to/from the retreat center are not included. We highly recommend travel insurance. We also offer urban trainings that are hosted at event venues – the fees include training tuition and supplies only. Travel, accommodations, meals, etc. are self-organized.
  • We also offer shorter 2-5 day yoga teacher trainings and workshops at yoga studios, universities, or other urban venues. Your fee for these courses will cover your training tuition and supplies only. Travel, accommodations, meals, etc. are self-organized.
  • For our online trainings that can be completed from the comfort of your home, your fee covers the training tuition and digital manual only.

Yoga Medicine®’s 500HR program allows teachers to support their own development in whatever direction they choose. However, here is our recommended core curriculum for the 500HR program, which can be completed in any order:

    1. Shoulder: Anatomy, Dysfunction, and Application
    2. Hip: Anatomy, Dysfunction, and Application
    3. Spine: Anatomy, Dysfunction, and Application
    4. Myofascial Release
    5. Traditional Chinese Medicine
    6. Sequencing with Purpose

We love the idea of offering scholarships in hopes of supporting our community and their continued education. Any promotions, discounts or scholarships will be announced through our newsletters, please make sure you are subscribed so you don’t miss out on those promotional opportunities. You can also contact us at [email protected] for more information.

Once you are an official member of the 500HR Program with Yoga Medicine®, you will receive access to the 500HR Teacher Portal. This portal has several resources to help you get started with your 500HR including:

  • a library of your enrolled/completed trainings & courses
  • short informational videos, documents & resources from our YM teachers
  • details about the case study guidelines & examples
  • ability to add/edit your teacher directory profile
  • a 500HR Program discussion board to connect with your community
  • the newest Yoga Medicine® articles and podcast episodes
  • and much more!

These resources are yours to return to as often as needed. To access your 500HR Teacher’s Portal:

  • Login via using your existing credentials
  • Click the person 👤 icon, or use the menu ☰ in the top right corner to navigate to your account dashboard
  • Click on “500HR Portal > Get Started”

We are so glad you’ll be joining us for a training! As the training gets closer, you will receive automated email reminders for upcoming payments. If you wish to make your final payment sooner than that, please email us at [email protected] and we will send you a private link to pay your balance.

Unfortunately, deposits are non-refundable and non-transferable. After the final payment date, which is always stated on each training’s event page and on your course enrollment details, the payment is also non-refundable and non-transferable. This is because Yoga Medicine® is required to make payments to the venue or retreat center that are non-refundable at this point in time. We appreciate your understanding of our cancellation policy, which is always stated on each training’s event page.

Now that you have completed the required hours of advanced teacher training, it is time to complete your case studies. The case studies are a way for you to fortify what you learned during the course by implementing the concepts with your private clients and students. The case studies are designed to be a one-on-one interaction where you apply the curriculum you studied to a client dealing with relatable issues. Our 500HR requirement policy changed January 1, 2020. Please see below for more information on the policy you fall under.

500HR requirements for those who started prior to January 1, 2020:

You are required to complete 270 hours in advanced trainings and 30 hours in case studies. Click here to view the Case Study Guidelines.

500HR requirements for those who started after January 1, 2020:

You are required to complete 290 hours in advanced trainings and 10 hours in case studies. Click here to view the Case Study Guidelines.

Online Courses

Our online yoga courses are designed to allow you to continue your education from the convenience of your own computer. These online yoga courses are open to anyone and can be used for general learning, continuing education for teachers or for credit hours in Yoga Medicine®’s 500HR or 1000HR yoga teacher training.

500HR and 1000HR yoga teacher training students can document and include hours from many of Yoga Medicine®’s online yoga courses. View our vast collection of online courses here, and click on each online yoga course for a detailed description and the hours received for teachers. Please note that some online yoga courses are not eligible for hours towards the 500HR or 1000HR yoga teacher trainings. The courses eligible for accredited hours include an online quiz that you must pass in order to receive the allotted hours.

There is no limit on the number of online course hours that can be applied towards your 500HR or 1000HR certification. You can complete your required hours with any combination of trainings and online courses.


The CEU hours vary per course. Click here to browse our course selection and you’ll find each course’s CEU hours listed in the course description. Not all courses are eligible for continuing education hours.

These courses are partner-hosted by Yoga International and/or Udemy, so they personally handle your enrollment, your account, payments, access, etc. Because of this, these online courses will not be displayed on your Yoga Medicine® portal but rather on your account with either Yoga International or Udemy. Please contact their Customer Support if you are having issues with accessing your courses.

Once you have completed a Yoga International partner-hosted course via their website, you will be prompted to send Yoga Medicine your certificate of completion. Upon approval, this course will be displayed on your directory profile and you will receive the hours of completion towards your 500/1000HR with Yoga Medicine.

Get Involved!

“There is no end to education. The whole of life, from the moment you are born to the moment you die, is a process of learning.””

~ Jiddu Krishnamurti

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