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Listen to all radio stations and podcasts in our radio app - completely free of charge.

App Screen

All the benefits of our radio app at a glance

Save your favourites

Quick access to the radio stations and favourites you most recently played.

Listen and subscribe to podcasts

More than 1 million podcasts you can listen to and subscribe to.

Use the sleep timer and radio alarm clock

Let your favourite radio station wake you up and end the day relaxing with a podcast.

Supports Apple CarPlay and Android Auto

Conveniently listen to all radio stations and podcasts via Apple CarPlay and Android Auto.

Find the right content

You can find the content you are looking for with our clear search for stations, podcasts and episodes.

Radio app without ads

Enjoy all the benefits of the radio app without video and banner ads with the PRIME subscription.

Did you already know?

You can listen to radio.net not only via our radio app or website, but also on Apple TV, Android TV and Amazon Fire TV.

Your free radio app

radio.net - download now for free

  • Listen to your favorite radio live and for free
  • Station lists from your region
  • Radio diversity with over 60,000 radio stations
  • Radio app free of charge
  • Radio alarm clock and sleeptimer
  • Editorial recommendations for new radio stations
  • Save your favorites
  • Clear search for stations and songs
  • Access to radio stations most recently played
  • You can listen to selected radio programs
App Store
Google Play Store

What you should know about radio apps

v6.22.0 | © 2007-2024 radio.de GmbH
Generated: 9/16/2024 - 12:44:19 AM