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Privacy Statement

Our basic policy is that we don't care who you are, but we keep track of what you do with our machines, and you will be responsible for anything you ask us to publish on your behalf.


We use third-party advertising companies to serve ads when you visit our Web site. These companies may use aggregated information (not including your name, address, email address or telephone number) about your visits to this and other Web sites in order to provide advertisements about goods and services of interest to you. If you would like more information about this practice and to know your choices about not having this information used by these companies, click here.


This web site makes a reasonable effort to refrain from disclosing information submitted via forms. We cannot guarantee that accidents won't happen. If you are concerned about privacy and are unwilling to take the risk, simply do not provide your information. Private information is never a requirement for services provided here.


The mere act of viewing pages on this site will not cause private information about you to be recorded. We do, however, record your IP address, the date and time your browse each page, and the URL of the page. We normally do not make this information available to the public - it is collected to provide statistical information about server usage, and to plan for future capacity. We may occasionally use "cookies" to temporarily identify your session in order to improve the quality of service we provide, but such cookie use will not cause any personal information about you to be disclosed to us.


Any information mailed to any of the mailing lists hosted by delorie software is considered public information and will be archived and disclosed to the public. Some services may require an email address to verify authenticity (for example, services whereby the user submits information which is maintained by delorie.com, such as the HOWTOs) and in such cases the email address will be published with the submitted information, to allow readers to contact the authors.

Banner Ads

Banner ads appearing on this site have their own privacy policies provided by the banner ad agent. See Burst! Media.


Send email to [email protected] if you have further questions about this policy.

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  Copyright © 2010     Updated Nov 2010