Learn more about the European Free Trade Association and its history, as well as past and current Secretaries-General, background information on the Association, Member States, budget, press resources, job opportunities and EFTA staff.

The European Free Trade Association

Main events in the history of EFTA from 1960 until today.

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Frequently asked questions about EFTA, including advantages of membership, its different agreements and the work of its three duty stations.

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In this section you will find all of EFTA’s legal documents related to the EFTA Convention, the EEA Agreement and EFTA’s free trade relations.

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Consult the public register of documents drawn up by the EFTA Secretariat and view the guidelines on requesting access to documents.

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The EFTA Secretariat

EFTA Secretariat


Information on EFTA's Secretaries-General and their background.

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Information on the tasks and responsibilities of the different divisions in the EFTA Secretariat, as well as staff contact details.

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Details of past and future meetings and other events.

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Contact details for the EFTA Secretariat’s three duty stations.

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EFTA Council

The EFTA Council is the Association’s highest governing body. This section contains information about the committee structure under the Council, as well as a list of Council decisions amending the EFTA Convention.

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EEA Institutions

The decision-making process in the EEA Agreement is characterised by its two-pillar structure.

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Advisory Bodies

EFTA Advisory bodies


The EFTA Parliamentary Committee is a forum for parliamentarians from the four Member States, providing the Association with a valuable link to political life in each EFTA country.

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The EFTA Consultative Committee is a forum for trade unions and employers’ organisations in the four Member States. It also serves as a link between social partners in EFTA and the EU.

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The EEA EFTA Forum is an informal body of elected representatives from local and regional authorities. Its members work closely with other EEA EFTA bodies and with the Committee of the Regions of the European Union.

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