
Finch was the first integrated paper mill in the US to receive Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) certification for Forest Management and Chain-of-Custody. We have also earned both certifications from the Sustainable Forestry Initiative® (SFI) program.

Printed on Finch Paper

The paper company you’ve chosen DOES make a difference. The following statement is available in a variety of sizes and colors to communicate your responsible choice.

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Made Using On-Site Renewable Energy

All Finch papers are produced using 66% on-site sustainable energy sources: emission-free hydroelectricity from the Hudson River and biomass co-generation from wood waste.

Logo available for use on all Finch papers.

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Forest Stewardship Council Certified

FSC® is a global organization working to eliminate habitat destruction, water pollution, displacement of indigenous peoples and violence against wildlife. Learn more at www.fscus.org.  Guidelines for using the FSC label can be found here.

Many Finch branded products qualify for the FSC MIX label. New Leaf products qualify for the FSC RECYCLED label. Use of the logo requires the participation of an FSC certified printer. Your printer will secure approval and artwork for the FSC label. Finch Paper holds a Chain of Custody license, FSC® C020054, and a Forest Management license, FSC® C012725.

FSC FM Certification

FSC CoC Certification

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Sustainable Forestry Initiative Certified

The SFI program integrates the perpetual growing and harvesting of trees with the protection of wildlife, plants, soil, water and air quality. Learn more at www.sfiprogram.org.

All of Finch branded products qualify for the SFI Certified Sourcing label. SFI Chain of Custody certification is available upon request at time of order. Use of the logo requires the printer’s participation. Your printer will secure approval and artwork for the SFI label.

SFI FM Certification

SFI CoC Certification

SFI Policy Statements

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Post-Consumer Waste Fiber Content

The universal recycling symbol, also called the mobius loop, is used to denote the amount of post-consumer fiber used to make the paper.

It is recommended to include the percentage of fiber along with the symbol, although the mark is not regulated. Finch stocks grades with 10%, 30% and 100% pcw recycled fiber as well as specified recycled fiber make-orders.

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100% Recyclable

All Finch papers are natural uncoated products and very well suited to be recycled.

Logo available for use on all Finch papers.

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The Forest Management certification attests that Finch foresters’ management of lands owned by The Nature Conservancy and other private landowners meets stringent environmental and social standards for responsible forestry.

The Chain-of-Custody (COC) certification attests that all of the wood used to make the certified paper comes from responsibly managed forests. The wood is tracked from the forest, through the pulping process, to the paper mill, then on to the merchant and printer. To receive approval, the project must be printed by a certified printer who in turn purchases the paper from a certified manufacturer. The printer secures approval for the logo usage and places the logo on the final file.

If you are unable to use a FSC or SFI certified printer, you may make this general statement about Finch Paper: “The wood fiber used to make this paper is independently certified to come from responsibly managed forests.”