Reflection for the Day: "What you have may seem small; you desire so much more. See children thrusting their hands into a narrow necked jar, striving to pull out the sweets. If they fill the hand, they cannot pull it out and then they fall to tears. When they let go a few, they can draw out the rest. You, too, let your desire go; covet not too much", wrote Epictetus. Let me expect not too much of anyone, particularly myself. Let me learn to settle for less than I wish were possible, and be willing to accept it and appreciate it.

Do I accept gratefully and graciously the good that has already come to me through the Gamblers Anonymous Program?

Today I Pray: May I search my soul for those little hankerings of want that may keep me from delighting in all that I have. If I can just teach myself not to want too much, not to expect too much, then when those expectations are not satisfied, I will not be let down. May I accept with grace what the grace of GOD has provided.

Today I will Remember: I, alone, can grant myself the "freedom from want."

"MARCH" National Problem Gambling Awareness Month. Montana Council on Problem Gambling has received a "letter of support" from Governor Steve Bullock, supporting March as National Problem Gambling Awareness Month. Gambling-Awareness-Month-Letter-2017.pdf

New York Council on Problem Gambling presents "Odds & Ends" awareness film with Outreach Arts. This marks the 11th gambling awareness film Outreach Arts has produced. You can view clips of this film and other projects at

First ever Survey of Public and Private Funding for Problem Gambling Services in the United States (from the National Council on Problem Gambling)

The WAGER, Vol. 18(8) - Strong odds: The comorbidity of gambling disorders with alcohol and depression among college students

Signs your teen could have a gambling problem

Gamblers anonymous groups help!!

A changing view of problem gambling

Most Gambling Addicted States