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The titles and subjects of all of Cicero's orations (except fragments) which have survived.

81Pro P. QUINCTIODefence of Quinctius in a prosecution by Sex. Naevius, to recover the profits of a partnership in some land in Gaul, inherited from his brother C. Quinctius.
80Pro SEX. ROSCIO AMERINODefence of Roscius on a charge of parricide brought by Erucius as professional prosecutor at the instigation of Chrysogonus.
76 (?)Pro Q. ROSCIO COMOEDODefence of the actor Roscius from the claim of C. Fannius Chaerea to half the profits of certain lands taken as the value of a slave held by them in partnership, and killed by C. Flavius.
72 (or 71)Pro M. TULLIOPlea for damages for an assault made by a rival claimant on Tullius' estate.
70In CAECILIUM ("Divinatio")Plea on the technical right of Cicero to conduct the prosecution against Verres.
70In C. VERREMImpeachment of Verres for plunder and oppression in Sicily. Six Orations
(1) Actio Prima: The general charge.
(2) De Praetura Urbana: earlier political crimes of Verres.
(3) De Jurisdictione Siciliana: his administration in Sicily.
(4) De Frumento: peculation and fraud as to the supplies of grain.
(5) De Signis: the plunder of works of art.
(6) De Supliciis: cruelties of his government.
69Pro M. FONTEIODefence of Fonteius' administration of Gaul during Pompey's campaign against Sertorius, about B.C. 73.
69Pro A. CAECINADefence against Aebutius of Caecina's right to an estate received by inheritance from his wife Caesennia, widow of a rich money-lender, M. Fulcinius.
66Pro LEGE MANILIA, vel De IMPERIO CN. POMPEI Defence of the proposal of Manilius to invest Pompey with the command of the war against Mithridates.
Pro A. CLUENTIO HABITODefence of Cluentius against the charge of poisoning his stepfather Oppianicus, brought by the younger Oppianicus, instigated by Sassia, the mother of Cluentius.
63De LEGE AGRARIAAgainst the Agrarian Law of Rullus. Three orations: the first delivered in the Senate and the others before the people.
Pro C. RABIRIODefence of Rabirius on the charge of killing Saturninus, about B.C. 100.
In L. CATILINAOn the Conspiracy of Catiline. Four orations: the first and last delivered in the Senate, the second and third before the people.
Pro L. MURENADefence of Murena on a charge of bribery brought by Sulpicius, the defeated candidate for the consulship. (Following previous orations on the same side by Hortensius and Crassus.)
62Pro P. CORNELIO SULLADefence of Sulla from the charge of sharing in Catiline's conspiracy.
Pro A. LICINIO ARCHIADefence of the claim of the poet Archias to Roman citizenship.
59Pro L. VALERIO FLACCODefence of Flaccus on a charge of maladministration as propraetor in Asia.
57POST REDITUMThanks for Cicero's recall from exile. Two orations: (1) In Senatu; (2) Ad Quirites.
Pro Domo SUAAppeal to the justices against the alienation of Cicero's estate by Clodius.
De HARUSPICUM RESPONSISInvective against the impieties of Clodius.
56Pro P. SESTIODefence of Sestius, a partisan of Cicero, on a charge of assault, the attack having been made on Sestius by the dependents and partisans of Clodius.
In P. VATINIUM (" Interrogatio ")A personal attack on Vatinius, one of the witnesses against Sestius.
Pro M. CAELIODefence of the character of Caelius (a dissolute young friend of Cicero) against a vindictive charge of stealing and poisoning, brought by Atratinus, at the instigation of Clodia.
De PROVINCIIS CONSULARIBUSAdvocating the recall of Piso and Gabinius, and the retaining of Caesar in the proconsulate of Gaul.
Pro CORNELIO BALBODefence of Balbus (a citizen of Gades) in his right of Roman citizenship, granted by Pompey.
55In L. CALPURNIUM PISONEMRetaliation for an attack made by Piso after his return from the proconsulate of Macedonia.
54Pro Cn. PLANCIODefence of Plancius on the charge of corrupt political bargaining, brought by M. Junius Laterensis, the defeated candidate for aedile.
Pro C. RABIRIO POSTUMODefence of Rabirius, in a prosecution to recover money alleged to have been received from Ptolemy, King of Egypt, in corrupt partnership with Gabinius.
52Pro T. ANNIO MILONEDefence of Milo on the charge of the murder of Clodius.
46Pro M. MARCELLOSpeech of thanks to Caesar for the pardon of Marcellus.
Pro Q. LIGARIOPetition of pardon for Ligarius, charged with conducting the war in Africa against Caesar.
45Pro REGE DEIOTARODefence of Deiotarus, King of Galatia, charged with attempting the murder of Caesar.
44-43In M. ANTONIUMOrationes Philippicae XlV
44(1) (Sept. 2) Reply to an invective of Antony: exhortation to the consuls Antony and Dolabella
(1) Reply to a bitterer invective: a review of Antony's public and private life
(3) (Dec. 20) Urging the support of Octavianus (Augustus) and D. Brutus against Antony, now in Hither Gaul
(4) (Dec. 20) Exposition to the people of the acts of the Senate, and praise of D. Brutus
43(5) (Jan. 1) Protest against treating with Antony: he should be declared a public enemy
(6) (Jan. 4) Appeal to the people: the embassy to Antony would be in vain
(7) (end of January) Protest against those who clamored for peace: Antony must not be suffered to escape
(8) (February) The war against Antony is justum bellum: his partisans should be required to submit before the 1st of March
(9) (February) Eulogy of Sulpicius, who had died while on the mission to Antony
(10) (February) Thanks to Pansa, and praise of M. Brutus
(11) (about March) That Asia should be assigned to Cassius, to conduct the war against Trebonius
(12) (about March) Declining to serve, with P. Servilius, on an embassy to Antony
(13) (March 20) There can be no peace with Antony: praise of Sex. Pompey
(14) (April 22) Thanksgiving proposed, and honors to the dead, after the defeat of Antony at Bononia.

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