Prague, February 24, 2021 – T-Mobile Czech Republic appoints new chief commercial officer Maximiliano Bellassai (age 43). Experienced top manager with more than 20 years track record from the financial and telecommunication sectors. Maximiliano will take over his new role as of 1. March 2021. Current chief commercial officer Juraj Bóna will stay as an advisor to the board of directors until the end of June.

Maximiliano started his career in banking in frontline sales and made his way up, reaching commercial director of Sudameris bank in Paraguay, part of Dublin-based group Abbeyfield Financial Holdings Unlimited Co. In 2011 he moved to the telco company Millicom, operating under the Tigo brand, headquartered in Miami and publicly traded in the US Nasdaq. He started in the B2B unit and grow up to become chief commercial director of Tigo Paraguay. In 2018 he was promoted to business vice-president of Tigo in Colombia, where he managed 10 million mobile customers.

“I had the opportunity to work with Maximiliano in the past. He has a unique mix of experience from retail, customer care, digital, marketing and B2C and B2B sales, both in fixed and mobile businesses. He is a strong performance-oriented professional leader, successfully delivering the ‘magic triangle’ of customer satisfaction, financial results and engagement of employees. This is his mandate. He will be in charge of accelerating this transformation journey in which we have already embarked on, focus on contributing to the digitalization of the country, increasing data usage, connecting more and more customers to the Gigabit society with fiber and 5G, and supporting the business transformation of our B2B customers through ICT solutions,” says José Perdomo Lorenzo, CEO of T-Mobile Czech Republic and Slovak Telekom.

Under Juraj Bona leadership, T-Mobile Czech Republic became an integrated Fixed-Mobile operator across B2C and B2B, successfully launching our home broadband and TV services, over our partner networks and over our own fiber infrastructure, launching the successful Magenta 1 proposition. He transformed the company into a new fixed-mobile integrated DNA, leveraging his solid experience in mobile and fixed business.

Maxi (as he is widely known by his colleagues) graduated in business administration from the Catholic University of Asunción, where he also later finished his MBA studies. He has served as long-term lecturer at his alma mater, focusing on business management, strategy and leadership. He also attended several top executive programs in USA (Harvard Business School, Stanford University Graduate School of Business) and Japan (AOTS). Maxi will move to Prague with his wife, 3 kids and 2 dogs. He is a keen sportsman (basketball, table tennis, swimming) and holds both a Paraguayan and Italian citizenship.

Juraj Bóna graduated from the Economics University in Bratislava and started his career at Ernst&Young. In 2003 he joined Slovak Telekom and in 2016 he moved to T-Mobile Czech Republic.

About the Company

T-Mobile Czech Republic, a member of the international telecommunications group Deutsche Telekom, has almost 6.2 million customers, the number-one operator in the Czech market. T-Mobile is an integrated operator: in addition to telecommunications services, it offers comprehensive ICT solutions not only for companies, but also for other organizations and individuals. It provides outstanding services in the high-speed network, which was proved repeatedly by benchmark testing performed by umlaut (former P3) with Best-in-Test seal.

T-Mobile Czech Republic places emphasis on taking a responsible approach to the environment and society. It adheres to fair business practices, helps beneficial applications and services to see the light of day, supports non-profit organizations, small businesses and individuals, and lends a helping hand whenever crisis situations arise. The company’s employees serve as volunteers in many places across the entire Czech Republic.

More information about the company is available at www.t-mobile.cz, www.t-press.cz (the portal for journalists) and www.t-mobile.cz/pomahame (information on the company’s CSR activities).

Contact details of the press unit: [email protected].