Current suppliers

Supplier Disagreements

The USPS® Supplier Disagreement Resolution Official (SDR Official) resolves business disagreements that arise during the purchasing process, and that cannot be resolved between the supplier and the Postal Service™ contracting officer. This expedited and business-like disagreement-resolution process replaced the Postal Service's protest procedures, and applies to business disagreements concerning the award of a Postal Service contract and related matters. It does not apply to disputes arising under the Contract Disputes Act, non-renewal of transportation contracts or with respect to disputes about debarment, suspension and ineligibility. The SDR Official's decisions are final and binding on all parties.

Who the SDR Officials Are

The Postal Service SDR Official is Nicholas Faiola, Director, Supply Management Infrastructure, Supply Management.

The alternate SDR Official is Robert D'Orso, Manager, Policy, Compliance & Audit, Supply Management Infrastructure, Supply Management.

How to Lodge a Business Disagreement

Complete instructions on how to lodge a business disagreement, including what constitutes a disagreement, who may file a disagreement, and applicable time limits, are available in the Postal Service purchasing regulations codified at 39 CFR Section 601. These regulations may be accessed via 39 CFR Part 601 — Purchasing of Property and Services (e-CFR).

More Information

General information regarding the USPS SDR Official process is available via phone at 202-268-5903 or email at [email protected].

Business Disagreement Decisions

Listed below are decisions rendered by the USPS SDR Official:

Fiscal Year Date Title File Type

Purchasing Protest Decisions Prior to 2005

The Postal Service has been resolving purchasing protests (commonly referred to as “bid protests”) administratively since postal reorganization in 1971.

Postal Service decisions are numbered by calendar year, e.g., Protest 95-01, Protest 95-03, etc. Not all protests are the subject of formal decisions, so the listings here omit some numbers.

Purchasing Protest Decisions

Listed below are decisions rendered by the USPS Senior Counsel, Contract Protests and Policies:

Fiscal Year Date Title File Type