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UCI Office of Academic Integrity & Student Conduct

Speech and Advocacy

Section 1

Speech and Advocacy

30.00 Policy on Speech and Advocacy


The University is committed to assuring that all persons may exercise the constitutionally protected rights of free expression, speech, assembly, and worship. 


It is the responsibility of the Chancellor to assure an ongoing opportunity for the expression of a variety of viewpoints.


The time, place, and manner of exercising the constitutionally protected rights of free expression, speech, assembly, and worship are subject to campus regulations that shall provide for non-interference with University functions and reasonable protection to persons against practices that would make them involuntary audiences or place them in reasonable fear, as determined by the University, for their personal safety.

The University has a special obligation to protect free inquiry and free expression. On University grounds open to the public generally, all persons may exercise the constitutionally protected rights of free expression, speech, and assembly. Such activities must not, however, interfere with the right of the University to conduct its affairs in an orderly manner and to maintain its property, nor may they interfere with the University's obligation to protect rights of all to teach, study, conduct business, and fully exchange ideas. Physical force, the threat of force, or other coercive activities used to subject anyone to a speech of any kind is expressly forbidden.

A. Time, Place, and Manner Regulations 
Orderly behavior and the normal conduct of University affairs shall govern time, place, and manner of exercising free speech and advocacy. Regard for the privacy of others shall be observed, and reasonable precautions shall be taken against practices which would make persons on campus involuntary audiences. Activities that are determined to pose a risk to personal safety, university property, or facility security will be rescheduled until such time that adequate and appropriate security can be made available, as determined by the UCI Police Department. Refer to UCI Administrative Policies and Procedures Section 905. 

B. Areas for Public Gatherings 
Specific areas and properties available for public meetings and gathering are made possible through the UCI Student Center & Event Services or appropriate scheduling office on a first-come, first-served basis. 

C. Amplification 
Amplification may be used only at specified times and is prohibited at all other times and places. Guidelines for amplification and hours of use are available from Student Center & Event Services, or the appropriate scheduling office. Refer to UCI Administrative Policies & Procedures Section 900-10. 

D. Non-University Speakers 
Non-University persons are permitted to speak in areas of the campus open to the public without invitation; however, because such areas are limited, a reservation through Student Center & Event Services or the appropriate scheduling office is suggested. 

Except as provided in Section 40.40 and subject to Section 30.00, non-University persons may address meetings in all other areas only by invitation from a Registered Campus Organization, student governments (Irvine Campus) mentioned in Appendix A, University departments, recognized academic and administrative units, and official University of California alumni organizations. Faculty members may invite non-University persons to appear in classes in accordance with the academic policy on guest lecturers. Refer to UCI Administrative Policies & Procedures Section 900-20.


The University recognizes, supports, and shall not abridge the constitutional rights of faculty, students, or staff to participate, either as individuals or as members of a group, in the political process of supporting candidates for public office or any other political activity. 

For more information about Free Speech at UCI, please view the following resources: 

Free Speech: A Guide for Demonstrations at UC Irvine

On Monday, April 10, 2017, a presentation about Free Speech was given by constitutional scholar and Dean of UCI Law School, Erwin Chemerinsky.  Please click here to watch the video.