Preparing for organization-wide app deployment

An app deployed across an entire Enterprise organization does the same helpful tasks for users as an app on a single workspace.

However, in order to work seamlessly across an organization, your app needs to be prepared for users—and channels—that span multiple workspaces.

If you'd like a refresher on what exactly an Enterprise organization is, read our refresher. In a nutshell, an Enterprise organization may contain many workspaces instead of just one.

If you use Bolt frameworks or SDKs to build Slack apps, make sure you have a version that supports organization apps. Check the Bolt version requirements list.

This page walks you through the additional considerations you'll need to make before you can deploy your app across an organization.

Configuring your app's bot user

Once you've created an app, you'll need to configure a bot user. Your app's bot user represents the main way your users will interact with the app.

In addition, the bot user is required in order for your app to be installed on an Enterprise organization (as opposed to a single workspace).

Add a bot user by heading to your app config, scrolling to the OAuth & Permissions sidebar, and adding the OAuth scopes you'll need to your bot user.

The rest of app creation is the same for organization-wide apps as any other app. Follow the getting started guide if you'd like a more in-depth walkthrough.

Note: your app must use granular permissions in order to be used across an Enterprise organization.

Working with Enterprise users

Once you've created your app, you'll likely want to map users in Slack to users in your system.

If your app already stored some local IDs from a workspace that subsequently merged into an Enterprise org, the translation layer will continue to work as it did before.

For more insight into working with users in Enterprise organizations, check out this information in the guide to single-workspace Enterprise apps.

Working with Enterprise channels

Your odds of encountering a Slack Connect channel are high when developing an app for Enterprise. As a reminder, these channels are shared between one or more workspaces or organizations.

You can read our guide to Slack Connect in Enterprise for more information on what these channels look like.

When you develop your app, you'll want to decide which features should work with Slack Connect channels.

Once you've done that, remember to determine the type of conversation you're working with before you perform an action. Call if you need to determine what kind of channel, DM, or MPDM you're dealing with.

These considerations will allow you to write an app that performs its tasks gracefully in an Enterprise org. Now that you've got that covered, read our guide to the different installation pattern of organization-wide apps.