Currently viewing ATT&CK v7.2 which was live between July 8, 2020 and October 26, 2020. Learn more about the versioning system or see the live site.
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8 August 2020

ATT&CK Website version 2.1.4


  • Updated roadmap and matrix poster on the resources page. See issue #255.

6 August 2020

ATT&CK Website version 2.1.3


  • Added note on the CTI training page to indicate that ATT&CK v6 should be used instead of ATT&CK v7. See issue #221.

15 July 2020

ATT&CK Content version 7.2

This minor release includes the following bugfixes:

13 July 2020

ATT&CK Content version 7.1

This minor release includes the following bugfixes:

ATT&CK Website version 2.1.2



  • Corrected the end date of v6 in the preserved version, on the Versions of ATT&CK page, and v6 release notes. See issue #204.
  • Removed links to the /beta/ website from the changelog and March 2020 release notes. See issue #205.
  • Updated the broken citation tests to catch malformed citations where Citation: is not followed by a space. See issue #209.
  • Fixed bug where the "Versions of ATT&CK" segment of the tour would loop instead of sending the user back to the site index. See issue #203.
  • Fixed the preserved v6 and v3 versions of the site so that the search interface doesn't send the user to the current site when they click on links. See issue #215.
  • Fixed a typo on the enterprise matrices.

8 July 2020

ATT&CK Content version 7.0

See release notes here.

ATT&CK Website version 2.1.1


  • Improved matrix page header layout with versioning feature. See issue #190.
  • Added versioning feature to tour. See issue #191.


  • Fixed number of tactics displayed on tactics overview pages. See issue #183.
  • Fixed objects without descriptions not showing up on techniques used tables. See issue #186.
  • Fixed a bug where contributor lists were delimited with commas instead of semicolons on group and software pages. See issue #196.

ATT&CK Website version 2.1

New Features

  • Added tooltips to all matrices to show tactic IDs, technique IDs, and sub-technique IDs when hovering over tactic names, technique names, and sub-technique names. See issue #120.


  • The site is now easier to rebrand; color themes and logos can now be changed with simple modifications to the site code. See issue #80.
  • Added horizontal scroll indicators to matrices so that it's easier to tell when there's more to the left or right. See issue #93.
  • The website tour route is now generated dynamically, allowing the site to adapt the tour to custom STIX content. See issue #110.
  • Added Navigator layers to the changelog of the sub-techniques update. See issue #126.
  • Updated contribute page. See issue #162.


  • Added internet explorer support for the sub-techniques matrix. Improved behavior of sub-techniques matrix in Edge browser. See issue #114.
  • Fixed bug where sidenav wouldn't open the correct tactic when opening the sub-technique of a technique. See issue #78.
  • Fixed bug where contributors wouldn't appear in search. See issue#150.
  • Added horizontal scroll indicators to matrices so that it's easier to tell when there's more to the left or right. See issue #93.
  • Fixed sizing of homepage twitter card for better mobile device compatibility. See issue #92.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when building the site with mitigations that have no relationships with techniques. See issue #153.
  • Fixed outdated ATT&CK Navigator link on the contact page. See issue #143.
  • Updated incorrect technique count on March 2020 update. See issue #141.

17 June 2020

ATT&CK Website version 1.3.1


  • Fixed navigator links on groups and software pages that were repeating the domain on the URI. See issues #169 and #192.

March 31, 2020

ATT&CK Website version 2.0

New Features

  • Added sub-techniques.
    • Added pages for sub-techniques. Sub-technique pages are found under their parent technique, e.g /techniques/T####/###. Sub-technique names and IDs are prefixed with that of their parent technique. Otherwise they are largely formatted like techniques. See issue #23.
    • Added sub-technique listing card to techniques with sub-techniques. See issue #24.
    • Updated techniques used/mitigated lists to differentiate sub-techniques and techniques. See issue #25.
    • Added sub-techniques to side-navigation and technique/tactic lists. See issue #26.
    • Updated FAQ with sub-technique information. See issue #41.
    • Updated ATT&CK Matrix layout to support sub-techniques.
      • Two layouts of the matrix are available:
        • the "side" layout (default), where sub-techniques appear in an adjacent sub-column of the tactic.
        • the "flat" layout, where sub-techniques appear nested beneath their parent similar to an indented list. The control to toggle between them appears only when sub-techniques are present in the matrix.
      • Sub-techniques can be hidden and shown under their parent by clicking the gray sidebar.
      • Show-all / hide-all buttons were added to show/hide all sub-techniques. See issue #43.
      • Added "help" button to matrices which plays the matrix portion of the sub-technique tour. See issue #28.
    • Added sub-technique support for technique usage ATT&CK Navigator layers on group and software pages. See issue #29.
  • Added the "take a tour" feature. The tour feature guides the user through the sub-technique changes. Click "take a tour" on the homepage or follow this link to start the tour automatically. See issue #28.


  • Improvements to deprecated techniques. See issue #116.
    • Page content except for the deprecation warning now omitted to discourage continued use
    • Now hidden from search (both ours and search engines')
    • No longer found in technique lists, etc
  • ATT&CK Archives now allows for archived versions to be "retired." Retired versions are removed from the /previous/ directory and replaced with links to the raw data and HTML. See issue #102.
  • Lists within data cards, e.g the platforms of a technique, are now in alphabetical order. See issue #84.
  • Matrix timestamps are now calculated from the modified date on the x-mitre-matrix STIX object. Additionally, said timestamps are now formatted the same as modified dates on other pages of the website. See issue #27.
  • Revisions to the layout of the matrix pages to improve readability when multiple matrices occur within a domain.

ATT&CK Content version 7.0-beta

See release notes here.

10 June 2020

ATT&CK Website version 1.3

This update includes a major refactor of the ATT&CK catalog versioning system, previously referred to as "previous versions."

  • Versions have been moved from /previous/monthYear to /versions/v# which should be more predictable and consistent with the way the versions are referred to elsewhere. Redirects have been created so that users who bookmarked the old URLs will get sent to the new ones. See issue #174.
  • Added a permalink to the current version of the site. See issue #175.
    • Current version is preserved alongside other versions in /versions/.
    • Object pages on the live website now have a "version permalink" leading to a frozen version of that page.
    • Permalink and previous versions now have a "live version" link leading to the most recent version of that page.
  • Revised the version list. Find the new version list on the Versions of ATT&CK page, which replaced the "previous versions" page.
    • Now formatted as an easy to read table.
    • Added links to the data on MITRE/CTI for each version.
    • Revised blurb on how versions work to explain our methodology behind the catalog version numbers and versioning system.
  • Updated past release notes to mention the version number for each release.

31 March 2020

The sub-techniques beta is now live! Read the release blog post for more details.


  • Added sub-techniques release announcement banner.
  • Added sub-techniques release docs

17 June 2020

ATT&CK Website version 1.3.1


  • Fixed navigator links on groups and software pages that were repeating the domain on the URI. See issues #169 and #192.

9 March 2020

ATT&CK Content version 6.3


6 March 2020

ATT&CK Website version 1.2.4


  • Minor revision to the ATT&CK logo.

4 March 2020

ATT&CK Website version 1.2.3


  • Updated trademark language. See issue #54.
  • Updated ATT&CK™ to ATT&CK®. See issue #55.
  • Update wordmarks to have ® instead of ™. See issue #56.
  • Updated "How Should I reference the name ATT&CK" in FAQ. See issue #57.
  • Updated copyrights to 2020. See issue #58.
  • Updated README. See issue #59.

20 February 2020

ATT&CK Website version 1.2.2


  • Added redirects to for matrix poster and roadmap. See issue #85

18 February 2020

ATT&CK Website version 1.2.1



  • Fixed PRE-ATT&CK side-navigation toggle on tactics and techniques. See issue #81.

17 February 2020

ATT&CK Website version 1.2

New Features

  • Added Docker support, enabling users to easily build and host a docker container of the ATT&CK Website. See issue #17.
  • Added configuration options to specify url of attached ATT&CK Navigator instance. See issue #18.
  • Added the ability to configure site to be hosted from a subdirectory. See issue #15.


  • Added talks and links to videos to the General Information page.
  • Updated navigation drawer on technique, tactic, and mitigation pages to make domains more accessible. See issue #53.
  • Major overhaul of site search UI. See issue #4.


  • Sticky footer should be less temperamental when the page resizes. See issue #51.

7 January 2020

ATT&CK Website version 1.1.1


3 January 2020

ATT&CK Website version 1.1

New Features

  • Added created and last modified dates to object pages. See issue #38.
  • Added ATT&CK training to website. See issue #22.


  • Improved maintainability of ATT&CKcon page and added ATT&CKcon 2.0 content. See issue #19.
  • Improved maintainability of FAQ page, and added FAQ entries for sub-techniques and the relationships of ATT&CK and other models. See issues #30, #41.
  • Added website and content version number to the footer. See issue #10.
  • Added changelog page to website reachable by version number link in the footer.

5 December 2019

ATT&CK Website version 1.0.4


  • Fixed a typo in the software side-navigation header. See issue #39.

2 December 2019

ATT&CK Website version 1.0.3


  • Updated roadmap to latest version. See issue #31.

ATT&CK Content version 6.2


  • Updated contributors for T1036 and T1497.

25 November 2019

ATT&CK Website version 1.0.2


  • Removed google analytics and google-site-verification from source code. See issue #11.

22 November 2019

ATT&CK Website version 1.0.1


  • Fixed incorrect initial state for the side-navigation on the cloud matrix page. See issue #8.

21 November 2019

ATT&CK Website version 1.0

This is the initial release of the website source code.

ATT&CK Content version 6.1


  • Fixed missing external_reference value in Office Application Startup (T1137).

24 October 2019

ATT&CK Content version 6.0

See release notes here.