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Receive operator KITs/KIQs tasking

Analysts may receive intelligence requirements from leadership and begin research process to satisfy a requirement. Part of this process may include delineating between needs and wants and thinking through all the possible aspects associating with satisfying a requirement. [1]

ID: T1235
Sub-techniques:  No sub-techniques
Tactic: Priority Definition Planning
Version: 1.0
Created: 14 December 2017
Last Modified: 17 October 2018


Detectable by Common Defenses (Yes/No/Partial): No

Explanation: Normally, defender is unable to detect. Few agencies and commercial organizations may have unique insights.

Difficulty for the Adversary

Easy for the Adversary (Yes/No): Yes

Explanation: Normal aspect of adversary planning lifecycle. May not be done by all adversaries.


  1. FBI. (n.d.). Intelligence Branch: Intelligence Primer. Retrieved March 2, 2017.