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Exploit OS Vulnerability

A malicious app can exploit unpatched vulnerabilities in the operating system to obtain escalated privileges.

ID: T1404
Sub-techniques:  No sub-techniques
Tactic Type: Post-Adversary Device Access
Tactic: Privilege Escalation
Platforms: Android, iOS
Version: 1.0
Created: 25 October 2017
Last Modified: 17 October 2018

Procedure Examples

Name Description
Agent Smith

Agent Smith exploits known OS vulnerabilities, including Janus, to replace legitimate applications with malicious versions.[12]


Some original variants of BrainTest had the capability to automatically root some devices, but that behavior was not observed in later samples.[5]


Dvmap attempts to gain root access by using local exploits.[11]


Exodus Two attempts to elevate privileges by using a modified version of the DirtyCow exploit.[10]


FinFisher comes packaged with ExynosAbuse, an Android exploit that can gain root privileges.[9]


Gooligan executes Android root exploits.[3]


HummingBad can exploit unfixed vulnerabilities in older Android versions to root victim phones.[8]


INSOMNIA exploits a WebKit vulnerability to achieve root access on the device.[13]

Pegasus for Android

Pegasus for Android attempts to exploit well-known Android OS vulnerabilities to escalate privileges.[4]

Pegasus for iOS

Pegasus for iOS exploits iOS vulnerabilities to escalate privileges.[7]


ShiftyBug is packed with at least eight publicly available exploits that can perform rooting.[1]


Skygofree has the capability to exploit several known vulnerabilities and escalate privileges.[2]


SpyDealer uses the commercial rooting app Baidu Easy Root to gain root privilege and maintain persistence on the victim.[6]


Mitigation Description
Application Vetting

Application vetting may be able to identify the presence of exploit code within applications.

Security Updates
Use Recent OS Version
