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AWS Financial Services Symposium

AWS symposiums bring together senior leaders in the industry to share their stories of transformation on AWS. Hear the latest updates from AWS and our partners, and explore the outlook as the industry continues to evolve. The 2024 Financial Services Symposium in New York will focus on how financial services firms are optimizing the power of data and artificial intelligence (AI) to deliver better experiences to their customers, make smarter business decisions, and fortify critical applications.

The full-day agenda is designed to educate audiences on a variety of topics related to data and analytics, AI and machine learning (ML), and generative AI solutions in the financial services industry.

Schedule: At a glance

From 8:00 AM | General check-in, exhibition, and breakfast

9:00 AM - 10:45 AM | Opening keynote and panel discussion

10:45 AM – 11:30 AM | Networking break and exhibition

11:00 AM – 4:15 PM | AWS Partner Theater sessions

11:30 AM -12:00 PM | AWS Sponsoring Partner breakout sessions: Deloitte, NVIDIA, Splunk

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM | Networking lunch and exhibition

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM | Customer breakout sessions:
• Track 1: Transform the customer experience
• Track 2: Improve decision making
• Track 3: Fortify critical applications

3:00 PM - 3:20 PM | Coffee break and exhibition

3:20 PM - 4:30 PM | Customer breakout sessions:
• Track 1: Transform the customer experience
• Track 2: Improve decision making
• Track 3: Fortify critical applications

4:30 PM - 6:00 PM | Networking reception

Breakout Themes

Track 1: Transform the customer experience

Learn how financial services institutions are using AWS AI/ML and other services to launch new experiences and workflows that reduce friction, are hyper-personalized, and increase the value delivered to internal and external users.

Track 2: Improve decision making

Learn how financial services institutions are harnessing internal and external data and using the power of AWS AI/ML to get deep business insights and make smarter, data-driven decisions in real-time.

Track 3: Fortify critical applications

Learn how financial services institutions are using AWS AI/ML and other services to build scalable, secure, and resilient platforms that enable them to meet compliance and regulatory requirements, detect and prevent malicious attacks, and keep customer data safe.