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Outcomes of a Calvin Education

Here’s a story.

You come to Calvin with high expectations—to discover more about yourself, the world, and the Creator. And four years later, you’ve exceeded your own expectations. You’ve explored the globe, been captivated by new ideas, forged the deepest of friendships. And there’s a cap, a gown, a diploma, an accomplishment you’re proud of.

What’s in store for you next? We’re glad you asked. It’s a bold life. A life lived with your whole heart.

A few places you’ll find Calvin grads

Our grads land jobs at places like Google, the United Nations, and Lockheed Martin in their first year out of school. We’re not surprised. At Calvin, they had opportunities to research alongside faculty, lead student organizations, be mentored by the best and travel the world.

You can expect great things from your investment in Calvin.

With an average class size of 24, faculty committed to your development, plus leadership opportunities on campus and off, you’ll step into a connected community that’s ready for you.

Success Starts on Day One

Step onto campus, step into opportunities

Really. During orientation, you’ll meet with your faculty adviser and together you’ll chart your path through Calvin’s comprehensive liberal arts curriculum.


Discover what life after college looks like. Our innovative Calvin LifeWork program will give you skills for success in a future infused with God’s plans. We believe in this program.


Everything we do at Calvin University is grounded in an educational framework. Our purpose extends way beyond “job readiness.” We’ve thought through how you’ll be ready for a life of faithfulness.


Maybe you have no idea what your future holds or maybe you need help jumpstarting your dream job. Whatever the case, our Career Center can thoughtfully and prayerfully guide you and provide the tools you need for the future.


With hundreds of on-campus jobs and research opportunities, countless internships in Grand Rapids, and a well-connected faculty and staff, your resume will thank you.

Graduate at the Top of Your Field

You’ll catch a vision at Calvin.

It’s a vision for the renewal of the world and how your life of faith, learning, and action is a piece of that renewal. Our alumni are doing this every day—unleashing their fresh ideas for Christ’s kingdom in every field all over the world.


Ready For Anything

With our 100+ programs, your passion becomes your life’s work

Our grads are blazing trails in every field. Our alumni are entrepreneurs, researchers, pastors, doctors, storytellers, artists, lawyers, social workers, engineers, teachers, musicians, journalists, and computer programmers.  



Think big—your future is more than just a career. A mix of classes, real-world learning, leadership development opportunities, and global study will empower you to see business as a powerful tool to cultivate a better world for Christ.

Learn more about:    
Business | Economics

Communication & Media

Learn to think critically, build a team, organize ideas, and present them to the world. These skills will serve you long after you’ve graduated from Calvin, in businesses, schools, media companies, and the nonprofit world.

Learn more about:    


Become a well-rounded educator who’s able to teach students of all backgrounds, abilities, and personalities. You will come away from your Calvin education able to be a significant role model in a child’s life—and you will make a difference in the world, one life at a time.

Learn more about:    
Education | Graduate Studies in Education | Science Education Studies

Fine Arts

Cultivate excellence in your craft as you look for wonder everywhere. And blaze trails with your own work as you catch a vision for how the arts can help the world recover a lost sense of loveliness and justice.

Learn more about:    
Art | Music


Engage in the rich, often messy, reality we face in the created order. Studying the humanities will give you a unique perspective that is valuable to employers in fields as diverse as marketing, Web design, teaching, archeology and journalism.

Science, technology, engineering & mathematics

Look closely, discern well and discover much in this wonderful universe the Creator has entrusted to our care. Delve into everything from the expansion of the universe to the tiniest microorganisms, from cutting-edge CAD to studies of the environment.

Learn more about:    
Biology | Chemistry and Biochemistry | Computer Science | Engineering | Geology, Geography and Environmental Studies | Kinesiology | Mathematics and Statistics | Nursing | Physics and Astronomy | Pre-Professional Health | Science Education Studies | Speech Pathology and Audiology

Social sciences

Integrate a deeply Christian worldview with research-based academic exploration—and be agents of renewal in our fallen world. Balance science, faith and practice as you ultimately work for change around the world.

Learn more about:  
Global Studies | International Development Studies | Political Science | Psychology | Social Work | Sociology


Three words you’ll hear around Calvin: “Every square inch”

The idea is that we become Christ’s hands and feet, ready to go out to every square inch of this earth to bring his redemption and healing to all. But this isn’t just a static concept we talk about in a classroom—it’s a way of life here in Grand Rapids and all over the world.

Begin Now.

Take the next step in your bold life.

At Calvin, you’ll learn to live life with your whole heart. You’ll be equipped with the mind-blowing knowledge of a liberal arts education and the skills to navigate the complexity and diversity of the world. And you’ll have the heart and passion to renew it.