Clinical Research

The University of Arizona Cancer Center is the only National Cancer Institute-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center headquartered in the state of Arizona. Bringing promising new therapies from the laboratory to the bedside is a high priority. The clinician scientists of The University of Arizona Cancer Center are engaged in more than 200 clinical trials, investigating a broad spectrum of new diagnostic, prevention and treatment strategies. We strive to provide high quality care and ensure both scientific integrity and ethical conduct in all clinical trials.

Clinical Trials Office

The Clinical Trials Office (CTO) is dedicated to advancing high quality clinical trial research in accordance University of Arizona Cancer Center’s educational, research, clinical care and community service mission. The CTO is responsible for the administrative, regulatory, and institutional requirements to establish and conduct clinical research at the University of Arizona Cancer Center which is supported through contracts with private industry and other entities. The CTO serves as a central resource for the University of Arizona faculty, staff and departments involved in cancer clinical trials research as well as sponsors seeking to conduct cancer clinical trials at the University of Arizona Cancer Center by:

  • Being the primary point of contact for questions or issues related to clinical trials
  • Providing assistance and consultation in developing investigator initiated protocols
  • Providing support and answers to questions related to project review groups including Scientific Review as well as Data & Safety Monitoring Review
  • Providing education and training on the requirements and procedures related to the operational conduct of clinical research at the University of Arizona Cancer Center.
  • Providing the necessary research support services for clinical trials opened with clinical partners
  • Providing oversight and assistance with registration of clinical trials as well as posting results, when appropriate, with
  • Providing CTEP renewal support as well as managing the University of Arizona Cancer Center's participation in the NCIs NCTN program
  • Providing IND and IDE new submissions and ongoing management for investigator initiated trials

CTO Leadership

Cancer Clinical Research in an academic environment requires leaders who are visionary and innovative. The expectations of clinical research leadership is to adjust to changes within the research industry, develop compliant operational practices that maximize performance, and develop unique research initiatives. The Clinical Research Leadership at the Cancer Center aims to achieve a competitive advantage by bringing the most cutting-edge trials to the University of Arizona Cancer Center. The Clinical Trials Office leadership team is led by a group with more than 150 years of combined clinical research experience spanning every aspect of cancer clinical research.

Executive Team

Rachna T Shroff, MD, MS, FASCO

Interim Clinical Affairs Director, Cancer Center
Associate Director of Clinical Investigations, Cancer Center
Associate Dean, Clinical and Translational Research
Chief, Division of Hematology/Oncology
Professor, College of Medicine
Clinical and Translational Oncology Program
