Troubleshoot SAP integrations

This page describes how to troubleshoot issues with SAP integrations in Cloud Data Fusion.

SAP tab is not visible in the Cloud Data Fusion Hub

If you created a 6.3.0 instance before March 22, 2021, you might not see SAP plugins in the Hub. To reproduce the issue:

  1. Go to the instance details:

    1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Cloud Data Fusion page.

    2. Click Instances, and then click the instance's name to go to the Instance details page.

      Go to Instances

    Ensure that the instance has been upgraded to a version that supports the SAP plugin or accelerator that you would like to use.

    SAP Hub feature Cloud Data Fusion version
    SAP Table Batch Source plugin 6.3.0 and later
    SAP OData plugin 6.4.1 and later
    SAP ODP plugin 6.4.1 and later
    SAP Order to Cash accelerator 6.3.0 and later
    SAP Procure to Pay accelerator 6.4.0 and later
  2. Open your instance in the Cloud Data Fusion UI, and then click Hub.

    The Hub page opens.

  3. Select the SAP tab to see the SAP integrations available in the version in which your instance is running.

If the SAP tab does not appear, follow these steps:

  1. Using the Google Cloud CLI, enter values for these variables:

  2. Enter the value for at least one of the following Hub URL variables:


    If the Healthcare accelerator is enabled, use the following Hub URL value:

  3. Run the following commands to make the SAP tab appear in the Hub:

    curl -X PATCH -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" -H "Content-Type: application/json"$PROJECT/locations/$REGION/instances/$INSTANCE -d "{ 'options':{'market.base.urls':\"$HUB_URLS\"}}"
    sleep 300 # Wait for update operation to succeed
    curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)"$PROJECT/locations/$REGION/instances/$INSTANCE:restart