gcloud storage rsync

gcloud storage rsync - synchronize content of two buckets/directories
gcloud storage rsync SOURCE DESTINATION [--additional-headers=HEADER=VALUE] [--canned-acl=PREDEFINED_ACL, --predefined-acl=PREDEFINED_ACL, -a PREDEFINED_ACL] [--checksums-only] [--no-clobber, -n] [--content-md5=MD5_DIGEST] [--continue-on-error, -c] [--delete-unmatched-destination-objects] [--dry-run] [--exclude=[REGEX,…], -x [REGEX,…]] [--gzip-in-flight=[FILE_EXTENSIONS,…], -j [FILE_EXTENSIONS,…]] [--gzip-in-flight-all, -J] [--no-ignore-symlinks] [--include-managed-folders] [--preserve-posix, -P] [--recursive, -R, -r] [--skip-if-dest-has-newer-mtime, -u] [--skip-unsupported, -U] [--decryption-keys=[DECRYPTION_KEY,…] --encryption-key=ENCRYPTION_KEY] [--cache-control=CACHE_CONTROL --content-disposition=CONTENT_DISPOSITION --content-encoding=CONTENT_ENCODING --content-language=CONTENT_LANGUAGE --content-type=CONTENT_TYPE --custom-time=CUSTOM_TIME --clear-custom-metadata     | --custom-metadata=[CUSTOM_METADATA_KEYS_AND_VALUES,…]     | --remove-custom-metadata=[METADATA_KEYS,…] --update-custom-metadata=[CUSTOM_METADATA_KEYS_AND_VALUES,…]] [--if-generation-match=GENERATION --if-metageneration-match=METAGENERATION] [GCLOUD_WIDE_FLAG]
gcloud storage rsync copies to and updates objects at DESTINATION to match SOURCE. SOURCE must specify a directory, bucket, or bucket subdirectory. gcloud storage rsync does not copy empty directory trees, since storage providers use a flat namespace.

Note, shells (like bash, zsh) sometimes attempt to expand wildcards in ways that can be surprising. Also, attempting to copy files whose names contain wildcard characters can result in problems.

If synchronizing a large amount of data between clouds you might consider setting up a Google Compute Engine account and running gcloud storage rsync there. Since gcloud storage rsync cross-provider data transfers flow through the machine where gcloud storage rsync is running, doing this can make your transfer run significantly faster than on your local workstation.

To sync the contents of the local directory data to the bucket gs://my-bucket/data:
gcloud storage rsync data gs://my-bucket/data

To recurse into directories use --recursive:

gcloud storage rsync data gs://my-bucket/data --recursive

To make the local directory my-data the same as the contents of gs://mybucket/data and delete objects in the local directory that are not in gs://mybucket/data:

gcloud storage rsync gs://mybucket/data my-data --recursive --delete-unmatched-destination-objects

To make the contents of gs://mybucket2 the same as gs://mybucket1 and delete objects in gs://mybucket2 that are not in gs://mybucket1:

gcloud storage rsync gs://mybucket1 gs://mybucket2 --recursive --delete-unmatched-destination-objects

To copy all objects from dir1 into dir2 and delete all objects in dir2 which are not in dir1:

gcloud storage rsync dir1 dir2 --recursive - --delete-unmatched-destination-objects

To mirror your objects across cloud providers:

gcloud storage rsync gs://my-gs-bucket s3://my-s3-bucket --recursive --delete-unmatched-destination-objects

To apply gzip compression to only uploaded image files in dir:

gcloud storage rsync dir gs://my-bucket/data --gzip-in-flight=jpeg,jpg,gif,png

To skip the file dir/data1/a.txt:

gcloud storage rsync dir gs://my-bucket --exclude="data./.*\.txt$"

To skip all .txt and .jpg files:

gcloud storage rsync dir gs://my-bucket --exclude=".*\.txt$|.*\.jpg$"
The source container path.
The destination container path.
Includes arbitrary headers in storage API calls. Accepts a comma separated list of key=value pairs, e.g. header1=value1,header2=value2. Overrides the default storage/additional_headers property value for this command invocation.
--canned-acl=PREDEFINED_ACL, --predefined-acl=PREDEFINED_ACL, -a PREDEFINED_ACL
Applies predefined, or "canned," ACLs to a resource. See docs for a list of predefined ACL constants: https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/access-control/lists#predefined-acl
When comparing objects with matching names at the source and destination, skip modification time check and compare object hashes. Normally, hashes are only compared if modification times are not available.
--no-clobber, -n
Do not overwrite existing files or objects at the destination. Skipped items will be printed. This option may perform an additional GET request for cloud objects before attempting an upload.
Manually specified MD5 hash digest for the contents of an uploaded file. This flag cannot be used when uploading multiple files. The custom digest is used by the cloud provider for validation.
--continue-on-error, -c
If any operations are unsuccessful, the command will exit with a non-zero exit status after completing the remaining operations. This flag takes effect only in sequential execution mode (i.e. processor and thread count are set to 1). Parallelism is default.
Delete extra files under DESTINATION not found under SOURCE. By default extra files are not deleted. Managed folders are not affected by this flag.

Note: this option can delete data quickly if you specify the wrong source and destination combination.

Print what operations rsync would perform without actually executing them.
--exclude=[REGEX,…], -x [REGEX,…]
Exclude objects matching regex pattern from rsync.

Note that this is a Python regular expression, not a pure wildcard pattern. For example, matching a string ending in "abc" is .*abc$ rather than *abc. Also note that the exclude path is relative, as opposed to absolute (similar to Linux rsync and tar exclude options).

For the Windows cmd.exe command line interpreter, use ^ as an escape character instead of \ and escape the | character. When using Windows PowerShell, use ' instead of " and surround the | character with ".

--gzip-in-flight=[FILE_EXTENSIONS,…], -j [FILE_EXTENSIONS,…]
Applies gzip transport encoding to any file upload whose extension matches the input extension list. This is useful when uploading files with compressible content such as .js, .css, or .html files. This also saves network bandwidth while leaving the data uncompressed in Cloud Storage.

When you specify the --gzip-in-flight option, files being uploaded are compressed in-memory and on-the-wire only. Both the local files and Cloud Storage objects remain uncompressed. The uploaded objects retain the Content-Type and name of the original files.

--gzip-in-flight-all, -J
Applies gzip transport encoding to file uploads. This option works like the --gzip-in-flight option described above, but it applies to all uploaded files, regardless of extension.

CAUTION: If some of the source files don't compress well, such as binary data, using this option may result in longer uploads.

Ignore file symlinks instead of copying what they point to. Enabled by default, use --no-ignore-symlinks to disable.
Includes managed folders in command operations. For transfers, gcloud storage will set up managed folders in the destination with the same IAM policy bindings as the source. Managed folders are only included with recursive cloud-to-cloud transfers.
--preserve-posix, -P
Causes POSIX attributes to be preserved when objects are copied. With this feature enabled, gcloud storage will copy several fields provided by the stat command: access time, modification time, owner UID, owner group GID, and the mode (permissions) of the file.

For uploads, these attributes are read off of local files and stored in the cloud as custom metadata. For downloads, custom cloud metadata is set as POSIX attributes on files after they are downloaded.

On Windows, this flag will only set and restore access time and modification time because Windows doesn't have a notion of POSIX UID, GID, and mode.

--recursive, -R, -r
Recursively copy the contents of any directories that match the source path expression.
--skip-if-dest-has-newer-mtime, -u
Skip operating on destination object if it has a newer modification time than the source.
--skip-unsupported, -U
Skip objects with unsupported object types.
A comma-separated list of customer-supplied encryption keys (RFC 4648 section 4 base64-encoded AES256 strings) that will be used to decrypt Cloud Storage objects. Data encrypted with a customer-managed encryption key (CMEK) is decrypted automatically, so CMEKs do not need to be listed here.
The encryption key to use for encrypting target objects. The specified encryption key can be a customer-supplied encryption key (An RFC 4648 section 4 base64-encoded AES256 string), or a customer-managed encryption key of the form projects/{project}/locations/{location}/keyRings/{key-ring}/cryptoKeys/{crypto-key}. The specified key also acts as a decryption key, which is useful when copying or moving encrypted data to a new location. Using this flag in an objects update command triggers a rewrite of target objects.
How caches should handle requests and responses.
How content should be displayed.
How content is encoded (e.g. gzip).
Content's language (e.g. en signifies "English").
Type of data contained in the object (e.g. text/html).
Custom time for Cloud Storage objects in RFC 3339 format.
At most one of these can be specified:
Clears all custom metadata on objects. When used with --preserve-posix, POSIX attributes will still be stored in custom metadata.
Sets custom metadata on objects. When used with --preserve-posix, POSIX attributes are also stored in custom metadata.
Flags that preserve unspecified existing metadata cannot be used with --custom-metadata or --clear-custom-metadata, but can be specified together:
Removes individual custom metadata keys from objects. This flag can be used with --update-custom-metadata. When used with --preserve-posix, POSIX attributes specified by this flag are not preserved.
Adds or sets individual custom metadata key value pairs on objects. Existing custom metadata not specified with this flag is not changed. This flag can be used with --remove-custom-metadata. When keys overlap with those provided by --preserve-posix, values specified by this flag are used.
Execute only if the generation matches the generation of the requested object.
Execute only if the metageneration matches the metageneration of the requested object.
These flags are available to all commands: --access-token-file, --account, --billing-project, --configuration, --flags-file, --flatten, --format, --help, --impersonate-service-account, --log-http, --project, --quiet, --trace-token, --user-output-enabled, --verbosity.

Run $ gcloud help for details.

This variant is also available:
gcloud alpha storage rsync