Object tracking

Object tracking tracks multiple objects detected in an input video.

Use AutoML video

Before you begin

For background on creating an AutoML model, check out the Vertex AI Beginner's guide. For instructions on how to create your AutoML model, start with "Creating a dataset" using the console or api.

Use your AutoML model

The following code sample demonstrates how to use your AutoML model for object tracking using the streaming client library.


To authenticate to Video Intelligence, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

import com.google.api.gax.rpc.BidiStream;
import com.google.cloud.videointelligence.v1p3beta1.ObjectTrackingAnnotation;
import com.google.cloud.videointelligence.v1p3beta1.ObjectTrackingFrame;
import com.google.cloud.videointelligence.v1p3beta1.StreamingAnnotateVideoRequest;
import com.google.cloud.videointelligence.v1p3beta1.StreamingAnnotateVideoResponse;
import com.google.cloud.videointelligence.v1p3beta1.StreamingAutomlObjectTrackingConfig;
import com.google.cloud.videointelligence.v1p3beta1.StreamingFeature;
import com.google.cloud.videointelligence.v1p3beta1.StreamingVideoAnnotationResults;
import com.google.cloud.videointelligence.v1p3beta1.StreamingVideoConfig;
import com.google.cloud.videointelligence.v1p3beta1.StreamingVideoIntelligenceServiceClient;
import com.google.protobuf.ByteString;
import io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.Arrays;

class StreamingAutoMlObjectTracking {

  public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    // TODO(developer): Replace these variables before running the sample.
    String filePath = "YOUR_VIDEO_FILE";
    String projectId = "YOUR_PROJECT_ID";
    streamingAutoMlObjectTracking(filePath, projectId, modelId);

  // Perform streaming video object tracking with an AutoML Model
  static void streamingAutoMlObjectTracking(String filePath, String projectId, String modelId)
      throws StatusRuntimeException, IOException {

    try (StreamingVideoIntelligenceServiceClient client =
        StreamingVideoIntelligenceServiceClient.create()) {

      Path path = Paths.get(filePath);
      byte[] data = Files.readAllBytes(path);
      // Set the chunk size to 5MB (recommended less than 10MB).
      int chunkSize = 5 * 1024 * 1024;
      int numChunks = (int) Math.ceil((double) data.length / chunkSize);

      String modelPath =
          String.format("projects/%s/locations/us-central1/models/%s", projectId, modelId);

      StreamingAutomlObjectTrackingConfig streamingAutomlObjectTrackingConfig =

      StreamingVideoConfig streamingVideoConfig =

      BidiStream<StreamingAnnotateVideoRequest, StreamingAnnotateVideoResponse> call =

      // The first request must **only** contain the audio configuration:

      // Subsequent requests must **only** contain the audio data.
      // Send the requests in chunks
      for (int i = 0; i < numChunks; i++) {
                        Arrays.copyOfRange(data, i * chunkSize, i * chunkSize + chunkSize)))

      // Tell the service you are done sending data

      for (StreamingAnnotateVideoResponse response : call) {
        StreamingVideoAnnotationResults annotationResults = response.getAnnotationResults();

        for (ObjectTrackingAnnotation objectAnnotations :
            annotationResults.getObjectAnnotationsList()) {

          String entity = objectAnnotations.getEntity().getDescription();
          float confidence = objectAnnotations.getConfidence();
          long trackId = objectAnnotations.getTrackId();
          System.out.format("%s: %f (ID: %d)\n", entity, confidence, trackId);

          // In streaming, there is always one frame.
          ObjectTrackingFrame frame = objectAnnotations.getFrames(0);
          double offset =
              frame.getTimeOffset().getSeconds() + frame.getTimeOffset().getNanos() / 1e9;
          System.out.format("Offset: %f\n", offset);

          System.out.println("Bounding Box:");
          System.out.format("\tLeft: %f\n", frame.getNormalizedBoundingBox().getLeft());
          System.out.format("\tTop: %f\n", frame.getNormalizedBoundingBox().getTop());
          System.out.format("\tRight: %f\n", frame.getNormalizedBoundingBox().getRight());
          System.out.format("\tBottom: %f\n", frame.getNormalizedBoundingBox().getBottom());
      System.out.println("Video streamed successfully.");


To authenticate to Video Intelligence, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

 * TODO(developer): Uncomment these variables before running the sample.
// const path = 'Local file to analyze, e.g. ./my-file.mp4';
// const modelId = 'AutoML model'
// const projectId = 'Your GCP Project'

const {StreamingVideoIntelligenceServiceClient} =
const fs = require('fs');

// Instantiates a client
const client = new StreamingVideoIntelligenceServiceClient();

// Streaming configuration
const modelName = `projects/${projectId}/locations/us-central1/models/${modelId}`;
const configRequest = {
  videoConfig: {
    automlObjectTrackingConfig: {
      modelName: modelName,

const readStream = fs.createReadStream(path, {
  highWaterMark: 5 * 1024 * 1024, //chunk size set to 5MB (recommended less than 10MB)
  encoding: 'base64',
//Load file content
// Note: Input videos must have supported video codecs. See
// https://cloud.google.com/video-intelligence/docs/streaming/streaming#supported_video_codecs
// for more details.
const chunks = [];
  .on('data', chunk => {
    const request = {
      inputContent: chunk.toString(),
  .on('close', () => {
    // configRequest should be the first in the stream of requests
    for (let i = 0; i < chunks.length; i++) {

const stream = client.streamingAnnotateVideo().on('data', response => {
  //Gets annotations for video
  const annotations = response.annotationResults;
  const objects = annotations.objectAnnotations;
  objects.forEach(object => {
    console.log(`Entity description: ${object.entity.description}`);
    console.log(`Entity id: ${object.entity.entityId}`);
    console.log(`Track id: ${object.trackId}`);
    console.log(`Confidence: ${object.confidence}`);
      `Time offset for the frame: ${
        object.frames[0].timeOffset.seconds || 0
      }` + `.${(object.frames[0].timeOffset.nanos / 1e6).toFixed(0)}s`
    //Every annotation has only one frame.
    const box = object.frames[0].normalizedBoundingBox;
    console.log('Bounding box position:');
    console.log(`\tleft: ${box.left}`);
    console.log(`\ttop: ${box.top}`);
    console.log(`\tright: ${box.right}`);
    console.log(`\tbottom: ${box.bottom}`);


To authenticate to Video Intelligence, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

import io

from google.cloud import videointelligence_v1p3beta1 as videointelligence

# path = 'path_to_file'
# project_id = 'project_id'
# model_id = 'automl_object_tracking_model_id'

client = videointelligence.StreamingVideoIntelligenceServiceClient()

model_path = "projects/{}/locations/us-central1/models/{}".format(
    project_id, model_id

automl_config = videointelligence.StreamingAutomlObjectTrackingConfig(

video_config = videointelligence.StreamingVideoConfig(

# config_request should be the first in the stream of requests.
config_request = videointelligence.StreamingAnnotateVideoRequest(

# Set the chunk size to 5MB (recommended less than 10MB).
chunk_size = 5 * 1024 * 1024

# Load file content.
# Note: Input videos must have supported video codecs. See
# https://cloud.google.com/video-intelligence/docs/streaming/streaming#supported_video_codecs
# for more details.
stream = []
with io.open(path, "rb") as video_file:
    while True:
        data = video_file.read(chunk_size)
        if not data:

def stream_generator():
    yield config_request
    for chunk in stream:
        yield videointelligence.StreamingAnnotateVideoRequest(input_content=chunk)

requests = stream_generator()

# streaming_annotate_video returns a generator.
# The default timeout is about 300 seconds.
# To process longer videos it should be set to
# larger than the length (in seconds) of the stream.
responses = client.streaming_annotate_video(requests, timeout=900)

# Each response corresponds to about 1 second of video.
for response in responses:
    # Check for errors.
    if response.error.message:

    object_annotations = response.annotation_results.object_annotations

    # object_annotations could be empty
    if not object_annotations:

    for annotation in object_annotations:
        # Each annotation has one frame, which has a timeoffset.
        frame = annotation.frames[0]
        time_offset = (
            frame.time_offset.seconds + frame.time_offset.microseconds / 1e6

        description = annotation.entity.description
        confidence = annotation.confidence

        # track_id tracks the same object in the video.
        track_id = annotation.track_id

        # description is in Unicode
        print("\tEntity description: {}".format(description))
        print("\tTrack Id: {}".format(track_id))
        if annotation.entity.entity_id:
            print("\tEntity id: {}".format(annotation.entity.entity_id))

        print("\tConfidence: {}".format(confidence))

        # Every annotation has only one frame
        frame = annotation.frames[0]
        box = frame.normalized_bounding_box
        print("\tBounding box position:")
        print("\tleft  : {}".format(box.left))
        print("\ttop   : {}".format(box.top))
        print("\tright : {}".format(box.right))
        print("\tbottom: {}\n".format(box.bottom))