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EuroPCom 2011 - "Share (y)our voice"  

2nd European Conference on Public Communication - Brussels, 19-20 October 2011

The second edition of EuroPCom gathered communication managers and senior experts of local, regional, national and European authorities to share their strategic insights and practical experiences in actual communication challenges.

The ambition of EuroPCom is to improve public sector communication by

  • sharing best practices among public communicators of major European, national, regional and local institutions, about themes such as branding, social media or dialogue with citizens;
  • stimulating active involvement of decentralised communicators in the communication strategy of the European institutions;
  • enhancing  transfer of professional communication know-how towards all political levels;
  • facilitating networking among those working in public communication across the EU.

Over 650 public sector communication professionals from all over Europe have attended the conference and engaged in debates and the exchange of expertise. The audience's active engagement during the, sometimes rather provocative, panel debates showed that the topics and opinions presented by the speakers have a high relevance and that only a constant exchange of expertise can lead to fruitful solutions to current communication challenges.

The need for common strategies and the communications experts' enthusiasm to find those also showed to good effect in the active networking and debates that took place during the breaks and after the event.

The EuroPcom team of the Committee of the Regions, together with the co-organising colleagues of the European Parliament, the European Commission, the Council of the EU and the Polish EU Presidency, would like to thank all participants for their contributions which have made this event so unique and important.

Follow-up and evaluation

All available presentations and speeches, as well as the conference proceedings brochure, can now be downloaded on this web page.

EuroPCom 2012

Save the date: EuroPCom 2012, 3rd European Conference on Public Communication: Brussels, 17-18 October 2012.

The conference advisory board will start the preparation in the beginning of 2012. Participants and other stakeholders will be consulted on a regular basis (by e-mail, on Facebook and Linkedin): They will be invited to share their proposals for themes, speakers or case studies and to give their feedback on concepts, ideas, etc.

For further information, please contact the EuroPCom conference team on [email protected].

Organizer: Committee of the Regions
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