Common Weakness Enumeration

A community-developed list of SW & HW weaknesses that can become vulnerabilities

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Home > Compatibility > Make a Declaration  

Make a Declaration

NOTICE: As of 4/16/2024, the CWE Compatibility Program has been discontinued. The product listings included in this section have been moved to "archive" status.

MOVING FORWARD: Please follow these CWE Compatibility Requirements to consider your product or service "CWE Compatible."


To begin the declaration process, send an email to [email protected] requesting a Declaration Form along with your organization name, contact information, the type of product, and the name of the product or service. You will receive specific instructions for completing and submitting additional information as the process continues.

Summary of the process:

  1. Review the CWE Compatibility Program description and the "Requirements and Recommendations for CWE Compatibility" document posted on the CWE website.
  2. Email [email protected] and request the "CWE Compatibility Declaration Form."
  3. CWE Program emails you the declaration form.
  4. Complete the form and return it to [email protected].
  5. The form is reviewed by the CWE Program and the product or service is added to the list of Declarations to be CWE-Compatible on the CWE website.
Page Last Updated: June 05, 2023