Download the data that appears on the College Scorecard, as well as supporting data on student completion, debt and repayment, earnings, and more. Last updated on 4-19-2023.

Metadata Description
Level of Datainstitution-of-higher-education
SpatialUnited States  
Data Steward Name [email protected]
Data Steward Email [email protected]
Helpdesk Contact Name [email protected]
Helpdesk Email Contact [email protected]
Data Representation Period - Start Date
Data Representation Period - End Date
Data Dictionary
Created July 17, 2020
Metadata Last Updated May 11, 2023
Organization Office of Planning, Evaluation and Policy Development (OPEPD)
Program Code 018:000
LicenseCreative Commons Attribution
Record Schedule  
Bureau Code 018:00
Data Dictionary Typeapplication/
Data Dictionary FormatXLS
Data Quality False
Access Level Public
Unique Identifier9dc70e6b-8426-4d71-b9d5-70ce6094a3f4
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