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Long-running jobs

Deepnote is designed to support most data analysis workflows, many of which include long-running tasks. This page explains when the hardware for your projects can be turned off.

What it means for Deepnote to turn off the hardware for a project

Simplifying a little bit, Deepnote has many machines (computers) running in the cloud (pods in a Kubernetes cluster if you want the real jargon). When you start the hardware in your project, we turn on one of these machines for you and run all your computations there. Once you're done with your computations, we turn off this machine for you just like you would turn off your own laptop at the end of your workday. Unlike with your laptop though, you can view the notebooks and files in your project even while the hardware for your project is turned off – you only need running hardware to execute computations. We automatically start this hardware whenever you start any execution in your project (e.g. when you run a block).

After the hardware notebook is turned off, we store the outputs of cells, but the values of variables are gone (just like when you turn off your computer).

To start your hardware back up after we turn off the hardware for your project, run any cell or click "Start machine" in the environment sidebar.

Automatic machine shut down

Deepnote may turn off machines automatically for the following reasons:

  • the project was inactive for a certain period of time;

  • the project exceeded the uptime limit for long-running executions;

  • the project consumed all of the hardware quota available for the workspace


All projects get hardware turned off when no one is using them. We do this to help you avoid using up your free hardware hours unnecessarily or pay for the unused paid machines. The following two conditions of inactivity have to be met:

  1. The project has no running cells in notebooks. Code running in terminals does not prevent hardware from turning off.
  2. There were no changes to the code or any execution for at least 15 minutes. This maximum idle time is customizable for projects in teams with a Team plan or higher.

Inactivity grace period

A project is considered inactive when there are no code changes or executions within a specified period. Once this period of inactivity ends, the hardware is turned off. By default, this grace period is set to 15 minutes.

Users on Team plan or higher can customize the behavior above and prevent the hardware being automatically turned off after 15 minutes of inactivity. This can be useful if you're unsure when your long-running job finishes and want to keep its state preserved (such as Python variables or terminal outputs). You can currently set the grace period to one of the following options:

CleanShot 2024-09-02 at 13.40.22.png

Long-running executions

Hardware of projects running on the Free plan gets turned off automatically after running continuously for 8 hours. Any running computation is interrupted. In extraordinary circumstances, we also reserve the right to turn off the hardware for the project earlier. In this case, you will see a message "Your hardware was shut down" next time you visit the project.

Projects running on the Team plan or higher have a runtime limit of 48 hours, with an additional 1-hour grace period. As the shutdown time approaches, a message is displayed offering the possibility of a 1-hour extension.

Hardware quotas

Finally, hardware of projects running on the Free plan is turned off if their owner runs out of free quota and they don't have a paying method set up. In this case, an info message will also appear next time you visit the notebook, notifying you about running out of the free quota.