Streetview request and response

A Street View Image request is an HTTP URL in this format:

The image is specified using request parameters. As is standard in URLs, all parameters are separated using the ampersand (&) character. Allowed parameters and their possible values are listed below.

Required parameters


  • location can be either a text string (such as Chagrin Falls, OH) or a latitude and longitude coordinates pair (40.457375,-80.009353), and should be URL-encoded. So convert addresses such as "City Hall, New York, NY" to "City+Hall,New+York,NY" before you send the request. The Street View Static API snaps to the panorama photograph closest to the location. When you provide an address text string, the API may use a different camera location to better display the specified location. When you provide latitude and longitude coordinates, the API searches a 50 meter radius for a photograph closest to the location. Because Street View imagery is periodically refreshed, and photographs may be taken from slightly different positions each time, it's possible that your location may snap to a different panorama when imagery is updated.


  • pano is a specific panorama ID. Panoramas may change ID over time, so don't persist this ID. Instead, save the location address or latitude and longitude coordinates so you can refresh the panorama ID. For details, see Refresh deleted panorama IDs.

As well as:

  • size specifies the output size of the image in pixels. Size is specified as {width}x{height} - for example, size=600x400 returns an image 600 pixels wide, and 400 high.
  • key lets you monitor your application's API usage in the Google Cloud Console, and ensures that Google can contact you about your application if necessary. For more information, see Get a Key and Signature.

Refresh deleted panorama IDs

If you attempt to retrieve a panorama ID and get either ZERO_RESULTS or no value, then the panorama ID has been deleted and needs to be refreshed.

  1. Save the location address or latitude and longitude coordinates you used to get a panorama ID so you can refresh when needed.

  2. When you detect that a panorama ID has changed, use the original location address or latitude and longitude coordinates to search again for the nearest panoramas to that location and get a new panorama ID.

Optional parameters

  • signature (recommended) is a digital signature used to verify that any site generating requests using your API key is authorized to do so. Requests that don't include a digital signature might fail. For more information, see Get a Key and Signature.

    Note: for former Google Maps Platform Premium Plan customers, the digital signature is required. Get more information on authentication parameters for Premium Plan customers.

  • heading indicates the compass heading of the camera. Accepted values are from 0 to 360 (both values indicating North, with 90 indicating East, and 180 South). If you don't specify a heading, a value is calculated that directs the camera towards the specified location, from the point at which the closest photograph was taken.
  • fov (default is 90) determines the horizontal field of view of the image expressed in degrees, with a maximum allowed value of 120. When dealing with a fixed-size viewport, as with a Street View image of a set size, field of view in essence represents zoom, with smaller numbers indicating a higher level of zoom.

    Screenshot of a wide-range field of view, showing the ceiling, walls, floor, and a tank window inside of an aquarium. Screenshot of a close-up shot field of view, showing zoomed-in detail of a Street View photo inside an aquarium.
    (Left: fov=120; Right: fov=20)

  • pitch (default is 0) specifies the up or down angle of the camera relative to the Street View vehicle. This is often, but not always, flat horizontal. Positive values angle the camera up (with 90 degrees indicating straight up); negative values angle the camera down (with -90 indicating straight down).
  • radius (default is 50) sets a radius, specified in meters, in which to search for a panorama, centered on the given latitude and longitude. Valid values are non-negative integers.
  • return_error_code indicates whether the API should return an error code when no image is found (404 NOT FOUND), or in response to an invalid request (400 BAD REQUEST). Valid values are true and false. If set to true, an error message is returned in place of the generic gray image. This eliminates the need to make a separate call to check for image availability.
  • source (default is default) limits Street View searches to selected sources. Valid values are:
    • default uses the default sources for Street View; searches are not limited to specific sources.
    • outdoor limits searches to outdoor collections. Indoor collections are not included in search results. Note that outdoor panoramas may not exist for the specified location. Also note that the search only returns panoramas where it's possible to determine whether they're indoors or outdoors. For example, PhotoSpheres are not returned because it's unknown whether they are indoors or outdoors.

This is an example request.,10.013988&heading=151.78&pitch=-0.76&key=YOUR_API_KEY&signature=YOUR_SIGNATURE
A screenshot of a street-level viewpoint photo showing electrified railroad tracks.

No imagery available

For locations where Street View imagery is not available, the Street View Static API returns a gray generic image, with the text "Sorry, we have no imagery here.", as shown in this example:

A screenshot of the generic image displayed when no imagery is available for the specified location. The background is light brown, and displays text reading 'Sorry, we have no imagery here.'
Figure: Generic image displayed when no imagery is available for the specified location.

Show only valid images

To avoid displaying the generic image, and ensure that your web page displays only valid Street View Static API images, follow these suggestions:

  • Set the return_error_code parameter to true. This causes the Street View Static API to return a 404 NOT FOUND error in place of the generic gray image, if no image is available for the specified location.
  • Request Street View image metadata to determine if there is imagery available for the specified location prior to sending a request.