Cookies Policy

In this section, you will find information about cookies used on ARTE DISTRIBUTION website and the personal data it collects, as well as recommendations for accepting or rejecting cookies globally or managing your choices.

ARTE DISTRIBUTION website is published by ARTE France Développement, limited company with a capital of 777.750, euros – R.C.S. Nanterre: 388 249 146- 8, rue Marceau - 92785 Issy-les-Moulineaux cedex 9 – France, responsible for the processing of personal data.

How are you tracked on the web? What is a cookie and what is its function?

When you visit a website, tracks of your internet browsing are saved on your computer, in internet network equipment (access providers) and on servers.

Your browser keeps a copy of the pages you have recently visited ("the cache", a clever way to optimize loading times and unblock the network). It also keeps a history of the addresses you entered through the address bar.

Cookies are also part of the tracks that remain of your browsing. A cookie is a text file placed on your hard drive by the domain you are visiting. It can contain several data such as the name of the server which deposited it, an identifier in the form of a unique number, an expiration date, etc. A server accesses it to read and record this information.

Cookies play several roles. They facilitate your browsing, store your preferences, make the interaction between you and the website faster and easier. Without cookies, you will be a newcomer every time you open a page on the website. For example, if you enter your "login" data on one page and go to another page, the site will not recognize you and will not be able to consider you registered.

Cookies can also allow websites to target Internet users through their advertising or marketing campaigns based, for example, on their place of residence or their shopping or browsing habits on the Internet. Some cookies are linked to the website you are visiting, others depend on external websites that manage content on the page you are visiting (third-party site cookies). For example, a website can use the services of a statistics company which will use its own cookies to be able to count visitors.

To find out about the cookies used on ARTE DISTRIBUTION website and their purpose, go directly to our section What cookies and what for?

How does the consent management platform work on the website?

In accordance with the CNIL (French Data Protection Authority) Deliberation nb. 2020-091 and recommendation of September 17, 2020, ARTE France has set up a consent management platform that appears when you enter in ARTE DISTRIBUTION website.

This consent management platform informs you of the purpose of cookies that may be dropped on your computer or other device. These are audience measurement, social media sharing, conversion and advertising cookies. These cookies are not dropped by default.

Under these conditions, there is the possibility to accept or reject these cookies globally or to manage your choices by purpose.

By clicking on "OK, ACCEPT ALL", you agree to the storage of these cookies by ARTE FRANCE and third parties on your device. By clicking on "REFUSE ALL" you refuse the storage of these cookies, and by clicking on "Manage my choices" you can accept or refuse the cookies by purpose.

Where applicable, your consent to store these cookies is for a period of 6 months.

However, ARTE France allows you to manage your cookie preferences at any time through the consent management platform, accessible from the bottom of all the pages of ARTE DISTRIBUTION website by clicking on the link "Manage cookies".

As indicated above, the consent management platform appears when you first connect to the website, every 6 months when your consent expires, each time a new purpose is added.

Note, however, that some cookies are essential and exempt from your consent: those strictly necessary for the provision of a service expressly requested by the user.

Indeed, the server that hosts ARTE DISTRIBUTION website collects from your device valuable information for the proper functioning of the website. If you choose to manage your browser so as not to accept any cookie, including cookies necessary for the proper functioning of the site, certain functions of the site may no longer be available.

For more information and to know the data collected by cookies used on ARTE DISTRIBUTION website, see our section "What cookies and for which purpose?".

What cookies and for which purpose on ARTE DISTRIBUTION website?

Browsing cookies

Browsing cookies listed below are of a technical nature. They are strictly necessary for the provision of the service expressly requested by the user; without these cookies, you cannot benefit from our offer. They are therefore exempt your consent.

Service Cookie purpose and data collected Collection of user consent
Cookie for consent management platform Cookie for the cookie consent management platform. It is used so that the platform appears only every 6 months on your browser. No
Session identifiers (JSESSIONID,mesosphere_server_id) So that you do not have to re-register if you change page. ARTE France Développement collects the sessions of users logged on to the pages. The personal data collected in ARTE France Développement's cookies is not transferred by ARTE France Développement to third parties. No
Cookie acceptance popup Cookie acceptance banner cookie. It is used so that the banner appears only once a year on your browser. No

Cookies related to audience measurement

Service Cookie purpose and data collected Collection of user consent
Xiti (xtidc, xtvrn, xtan, xtant and idrxvr, tmst) XiTi is a web audience measurement tool offered by AT Internet. XiTi places a cookie to trace the visitor's journey to establish visit statistics. XiTi uses the information collected by its cookies at the request of ARTE to provide reports and services related to the use of the site. For more information see the AT Internet privacy policy page. Yes
Google Analytics (_utma,_utmz,_utmv,_utmb,_utmc,_utmt_wa) Google analytics is a web analytics tool provided by Google. Google analytics deposits a cookie to trace the path of the visitor in order to establish visit statistics. Google analytics uses the information collected by its cookies at the request of ARTE to provide reports and services related to the use of the site. For more information, please visit this page: Oui


How to disable unwanted cookies or to reject cookies ?

Some people find it annoying that a website keeps information about their browsing, especially when that information is stored and used by a third-party website. If this is your case, you can block some or all cookies, or even delete those that have already been installed.

On the one hand, ARTE France allows you to manage your cookie preferences at any time through a consent management platform accessible when you first connect to ARTE DISTRIBUTION website and at the bottom of each page of the website in the "Manage cookies" section.

In addition, if you choose to manage your browser so as not to accept any cookies, certain features of the website may no longer be available and this may make your visit to our pages less pleasant.

If you do not want to receive cookies, you can set your browser to alert you when it receives cookies or to refuse them outright. However, if you set it up so that it automatically rejects cookies, you will no longer be able to use certain functions of ARTE DISTRIBUTION site.

You can also decide to delete cookies already stored on your computer.

This action will result in the display of the cookie consent management platform the next time you visit our website.

To find out how to do this, see the websites linked below depending on your browser type:

Four tips from the CNIL (French Data Protection Authority)

CNIL website recommends four tips to limit the tracking of your browsing :

  • Block third-party cookies. Third-party cookies are usually not necessary made to take advantage of the resources available on the Internet. If you want to limit the tracking, it is recommended to reject them by default.
  • Prevent the installation of the most common trackers. Many extensions allow you to block the different trackers. For example, for the Chrome browser, DoNotTrackMe, Disconnect, Ghostery…
  • Block social network sharing buttons ARTE DISTRIBUTION website does not use social network buttons informing Facebook, Twitter, etc. of your visit, but allows you to share the content of the site by sharing the URL address on these social networks.
  • Limit plotting in Adobe Flash It is recommended to change these settings by logging into the settings manager available online, but if the Flash site offers a deactivation to prevent any storage on the computers, it does not work 100%.


Updated on April 26th 2021