DS SILC > Database > modules EN REVAMP

The core topics are collected every year and comprise income, deprivation, economic activity, demography, education, child care, housing cost, health, quality of life, miscellaneous and technical variables.

In addition to the annual variables, the EU SILC survey includes also variables collected via modules.

As of 2021, there are 3 types of such modules:

  • modules repeated every 3 years. The topics covered are ‘Labour market and housing’, ‘Health’ and ‘Children’
  • modules repeated every 6 years. The topics covered are ‘Intergenerational transmission of advantages and disadvantages and housing difficulties’, ‘Over-indebtedness, consumption, and wealth', ‘Access to services’ and ‘Quality of life’
  • ad-hoc subject or policy need modules, which are implemented only once. The aim of these modules is to provide timely information on a specific area of high policy interest


Year of data collection 3-yearly rolling module 6-yearly rolling module Ad-hoc policy subjects
2021 Children Living arrangements and conditions of children in separated and blended families
2022 Health Quality of life
2023 Labour and housing conditions Intergenerational transmission of advantages and disadvantages and housing difficulties Households' energy efficiency
2024 Children Access to services
2025 Health Energy and the environment
2026 Labour and housing conditions Over-indebtedness, consumption, and wealth
2027 Children Mental health
2028 Health Quality of life

DS SILC > Database > modules Part2 EN REVAMP

Additional information

The table below provides an overview of the modules with links leading to further information on the SILC modules.

Please note that before 2021, EU-SILC was complemented by ad hoc modules that were developed each year. 

Year Module Link to regulation Link to assessment
2021 Living arrangements and conditions of children in separated and blended families EU 2919/2242  Assessment
2020 Over-indebtedness, consumption and wealth as well as labour EU 2019/414 Not available
2019 Intergenerational transmission of disadvantages, household composition and evolution of income EU 2018/174 Not available
2018 Material deprivation, well-being and housing difficulties EU 2017/310  Assessment
2017 Health and children's health EU 2016/114  Assessment
2016 Access to services EU 2015/245  Assessment
2015 Social/cultural participation and material deprivation EU 67/2014  Assessment
2014 Material deprivation EU 112/2013  Assessment
2013 Wellbeing EU 62/2012  Assessment
2012 Housing conditions EU 1157/2010  Assessment
2011 Intergenerational transmission of disadvantages EU 481/2010  Assessment
2010 Intra-household sharing of resources EC 646/2009  Assessment
2009 Material deprivation EC 362/2008  Assessment
2008 Over-indebtedness and financial exclusion EC 215/2007  Assessment
2007 Housing conditions EC 315/2006  Assessment
2006 Social participation EC 13/2005  Assessment
2005 Intergenerational transmission of poverty EC 16/2004  Assessment