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Explore our new course on critical thinking and decision-making

Read what participants think of the course

June 7th 2024

Economist Education’s latest online course, Critical thinking: problem-solving and decision-making in a complex world, trains business professionals to avoid cognitive bias, reason with rigour and exercise human judgment when harnessing artificial intelligence (AI).

We launched the course earlier this year and have already helped more than 200 participants from around the world to hone their critical-thinking skills. Here is what some of them had to say:

I thoroughly enjoyed this course and would recommend it to others. The material was of a high quality, especially the videos and podcasts, and the discussion forums were very enlightening. Critical thinking is something that seems in short supply in our time-pressured world. We’d all benefit from adopting the techniques in this course.

Hugh Gage

Owner, Engage Digital

The content was delivered professionally and was very well structured. Thanks to the course I changed my approach to the decision-making process. One of the course’s strengths was its emphasis on real-world application. I believe it will be exceptionally beneficial for my PhD work and for my role at Accenture. The diverse case studies and exercises challenged me to think critically and adaptively. Thank you very much for a fantastic experience!

Aleksejs Vesjolijs

Senior data engineer, Accenture

Clear, concise explanations and tools to aid critical thinking and problem-solving in a complex world. The course should be of benefit to the experienced practitioner through to someone first engaging with the subject.

Richard Preece

Director, DA Resilience

The course gave me a lot of input on improving my critical thinking. It provided me with lots of tools that I'm confident I will use. The learning experience was positive and really motivating! I loved listening to experts from different backgrounds talking about their experiences and giving suggestions. A short course like this keeps your attention and I felt I had enough time to listen and study, even though I lead a busy life. It was good to be given the flexibility to follow the course, and get assignments done, at my own pace.

Barbara Albisetti-Heath

Director of sport

If you’re interested in exploring Economist Education’s critical-thinking course, click here.

Find out more on this topic in our course...

Critical thinking and decision-making

In an algorithm-fuelled world, the ability to interrogate assumptions and reason with rigour is essential, both in business and in life. Designed by The Economist’s journalists and leading critical-thinking experts, this two-week online course will equip you with the tools to avoid cognitive bias, reframe complex problems and capitalise on your human advantage. You’ll gain the practical techniques and skills to use data discerningly and strengthen decisions through self-reflection, with a case study from The Economist’s newsroom.